Published May 26. 2005 - 19 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020

Beaverkill Brown

Not my last fish of the season

The short story of this trout season has been one of extremes. The season started with 100 year floods and now we're experiencing scary low water conditions. I can't really say it's been feast or famine, 'cause we haven't quite had the feast part yet.

But hey - this is fishing, not golf. We don't complain. We fish when we can, and enjoy it regardless.

The past time I got out, the Fish Gods rewarded me with a fine Beaverkill brown trout

which certainly made the unusually cool conditions a bit more bearable.

Unfortunately, after releasing that fella back to the stream, I went to climb a rock and was struck with a sharp pain in my knee. A trip to the ortho brought the bad news - torn cartilage (medial meniscus, to be accurate), which is causing a locked knee.

Tomorrow I go in for a bit or arthroscopy to clear things up. Hopefully I will be back to the Beaverkill soon. Dunno if I will be able to bop around Horse Brook Run like I did last weekend, but that will not be the last fish of the season.


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