Bob P noted my noble reasons for doing the original site that precursed GFF in black and white... my scanner was an old HP DeskScan that only scanned in greytones.
Those were the Fishing Denmark times - my old site, which would be one half of the first incarnation of GFF. Steve's Midwest Flytyer would be the other. None of these sites exist any more and I wish I had saved some code from back then to document the original design. They were kindof the silent movies of the world wide web...
Unfortunately it seems that all my original backup diskettes (yes, Fishing Denmark fit on an 1.4 MB floppy!) have gone. I have been digging around, but only found some of my original logo designs and some drawings. No HTML-files and no original pages unfortunately.
Being black and white did save bandwidth - which was quite important back then as most people used a phone line and a slow modem to connect - and it did give the site a certain cool style. But the main reason was a hardware one.
Amazing how far the sites actually got on nothing but stiff HTML and a B/W scanner. Back the I learned myself how to scan flies directly in the scanner. This was way before digital cameras and a long time before I got my first slide scanner.
Things have really changed and the technology we have at our disposal today does make it so much easier to do great web pages.
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