GFF partner Bob Petti and his wife Rhonda took a holiday to Europe, and put Denmark and the GFF headquarters on the itinerary. After having visited London and Paris, they flew into Copenhagen, and we spent a couple of great days driving, sailing and walking in our country. We didn’t have much time, so neither fishing nor fly tying was on the tab, but we did of course manage to talk quite a bit about fishing and fly tying. Not least sparked by the two books that Bob brought over.
I have already read and reviewed Matt Supinski’s Nexus, which I received in digital form, and read on the screen. Bob brought over the physical copy provided by the publisher, and as expected, it’s a wonderful book, which fully lives up to my expectations, as expressed in the review. I do so prefer physical books over the digital ones, and the weight, the tactile impressions and the whole reading experience is simply so much better when handling the book on paper. I do of course read books for the content, and to learn from them, but my impression of the book and the feeling it leaves me with, is simply so much more satisfying when the book is present “in the flesh” so to say. Supinski’s book did not disappoint – which I hadn’t expected.
But I have to say that its presence was a little overshadowed – or should I say outweighed – by the second book that Bob brought. Rob Carter and John Bryan’s ”America’s Favorite Flies” literally leaves an impression. 6.6 lbs. or slightly more than 3 kilos makes it a heavyweight, far larger and heftier than basically all other books I have in my shelves. There’s a reason why it made sense to have Bob bring it rather than mailing it: the postage. Sending over such a package will set you back as much as the price of the book, maybe even more. So when the book was on “father’s day offer” at less than half its cover price of 145.- US$, I jumped at it, and had it shipped to Bob’s place. Bob then acted as my courier and brought over the book when he came over.
It was worth the wait! The book is not only impressive with regards to size and weight, but also has some excellent content, featuring flies from 224 US fly fishers and fly tyers, who each name their favorite fly pattern and provides a small story about it, about themselves and about their fishing. I will return with an in-depth review of the book as soon as I have digested it.
The book is still on sale at a discounted price, and can be bought for US$ 72.50. Do buy it from the authors' web site, which is not only less expensive than other sources, but also supports the project directly in stead of putting more money in Bezos’ already bulging money bin.
I since reviewed the book, and the review can be found here.
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