I'm starting to worry.
I have a pile of at least four book at home that are waiting to be read sometime this winter (don't we all save our heavy reading for the colder months). What in the blazes am I doing looking for more books?
Just the other day I placed an order for a book I've wanted for years, but never could find at an acceptable price. It's "Hair Wing Salmon Flies" by Keith Fulsher and Charlie Krom. I happened across the title the other day while surfing and thought "What the heck - let's see what I can find".
I found a 1st edition, almost new, for $19 and change.
It's on its way to me now. The internet is a wonderful thing. Living in the 21st century sure does have it's perks.
What in the world am I going to do with this book? There was a time when I was fixated on fishing the Lake Ontario tribs with "authentic" salmon flies, thus I filled a box with hairwings, speys, and other such flies. My lust for Alec Jackson hooks was off the charts. Somewhere I saw a photo sread of Fulsher's "Reynard" series (was it Pam Bates book?) and realized I had to have the book he did with Charlie Krom.
Well - it's on its way. How cool is that?
Now if I can only snag a copy of Leisenring's book at a reasonable price.
Ah - book hunting. Yeah - it may be addictive - but I guess it's not totally unhealthy.
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