I stumbled on this excellent site while preparing my article "Going Deep" about fishing nymphs deep enough.
This is a really good site, and probably not visitied as often as it should be. It is reference quality - being from the region that originated this technique and obviously having been written by flyfishers who know what they are talking about.
See it on http://www.czechnymphs.com/ - and don't fret... it IS in English.
The technique is really worth studying. Radically different and highly efficient. Try it on your local stream and be ready for a surprise.
My coming article on fishing deep is a major piece and still needs a lot of work before I can publish it, but I have been adding copy the last few days and it is slowly coming into shape.
That's the fate of many GFF articles: slowly evolving with many itereations.
Unlike the Bonefish Bitters piece I published yesterday. That basically took a couple of hours from the first word was written till it was published.
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