Published Feb 8. 2013 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020

Danish Fly Festival 2013

The biennial Danish Fly Festival will take place the weekend March 23rd and 24th in Kolding in southern Denmark. Want to meet there?

Lots to look at - Danish fly-tyer Kim Nyborg shows off his salmon flies
Tattoo - In 2011 lucky anglers could get a G.Loomis skeleton fish tattoo on site
Kern Leo Lund - Danish fly-tyer Kern Leo Lund at work on the well visited tyer\'s \"island\" in one of the halls
Festival 2011 impressions
Martin Joergensen

Every second year the Federation of Fly Fishers in Denmark arranges the Danish Fly Festival, a traditional fly-fishing and fly-tying show with tyers, casters, vendors, speakers and the whole nine yards.
The festival is a two-day event with a typical attendance of several thousand people, a good show of international fly-tyers and casters and two large halls filled with exhibitors, an indoors casting pool, tonnes of outdoors casting pools and lots of activities. This year it takes place March 23rd and 24th - and it's in Kolding, Denmark as usual.

Visitors come from Denmark mainly, but we also see Germans, Ducthmen, Swedes and people from other European countries. The speakers, tyers and casters are a broad international group with representatives from both sides of the Atlantic.

I will be there at least Saturday and maybe Sunday too although friends have been talking about fishing Sunday rather than spending time (and money) indoors.

I thought that it would be fun to arrange a get together

I thought that it would be fun to arrange a get together on the Saturday where Global FlyFisher friends could meet and maybe share a cup of coffee a beer or whatnot. Drop me a mail if you're attending the Festival and would be interested in meeting up. I'll be more than happy to bring a case of beer - or we could retreat to the cafeteria and support local business.

My suggestion would be meeting Saturday the 23rd after lunch at some point - like around 13:30 (or 1:30 PM as the 'merikans would put it) at a point right below the stairs at the entrance. I expect to be there under all circumstances if anybody wants to say hi. I'll be the one in the wheelchair wearing a GFF cap (I have a couple of those left over and we could have a raffle or something to give them away. They are a rarity these days!).

Hope to see you there.


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