I have been overloaded with work lately - as some of you may have noticed from the lack of new articles from my hand on the site. Work will still take a lot of my time in the coming weeks, but I managed to keep this weekend free from chores, and since we're right now experiencing the first spring days, I have taken the liberty of going fshing rather than editing the large number of articles that I have queued for GFF.
Shame on me!
But I thoroughly enjoyed being out yesterday, even thoug it was extremely windy. I found fish in the end of the day and managed to land three smallish sea trout - a rather nice result considering the conditions. Today is even better and in very short time I will be in the water again, not thinking of work, GFF or much else than trying to hook a fish.
Shame on me!
I did fit in the final editing of a small podcast I recorded back in February. It just needed a final touch and it was ready. But Jan Ole Willer's fabulous article on rod building, Korrie Bros' magnificent article on sculptor Chris Bladen, Rolandas Minčinauskas' stunning article on fishing Kola for a few hundred Euros and a couple of photography articles, some patterns and what-have-you...? No, unfortunately not!
I'm going fishing in stead.
Shame on me!
From yesterday:
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