Published Jan 20. 2019 - 6 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020

Flies for a friend

A good friend offered me a macro flash he didn't use any more in exchange for a handful of flies

The flash
The flash
Martin Joergensen

Three good friends of mine are going to the Faroe Islands to fish the coming days. Yes, they will be fishing for sea trout on these small, wind swept, rocky islands in the northern Atlantic in January! I'm not sure whether that makes sense, but of course you can catch sea trout in the ocean in January, but I have no idea how the fishing is in the salty Atlantic water.

One of the friends going came visiting for New Year, and asked me whether I wanted to inherit a macro flash that he didn't use anymore.

Who am I to turn down free photo gear? I said yes on the spot!

Who am I to turn down free photo gear?

When he arrived and handed over the flash, he revealed his plan: I got the flash, but in return I'd tie a bunch of flies for his Atlantic adventure.
No problem! A handful of flies would be no problem, and the swap would still be a very good deal for me.

Orange Zonker Baitfish
Dust Broom Streamer
Mickey Finn
Martin Joergensen

So he left the flash behind and sent me a mail from his local contact the day after, showing some of the flies recommended for the trip. They were basically your standard winter sea trout flies, and the list contained many patterns, which I knew already.

Pink Shrimp II
Pink Shrimp
Pink Christmas Tree
Blood Nosed Frede
Pink and red
Martin Joergensen

So during the past few weeks I have tied a handful of flies. 11 different patterns, 4 of each. Some are known patterns, a few are just improvisations, mainly in the pink and orange color range, which should make them good for winter fish.
My friends will pass by tomorrow for a cup of coffee and a fly delivery, and then drive on to the airport and fly north.
I'm looking forward to hearing about their trip, and hope my flies will secure them at least a few fish.

Copper Bully
Green Copper Bully
Copper Bullies
Martin Joergensen
Red Tag
Red Tags
Martin Joergensen

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