Published Jun 30. 2006 - 18 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020


Really bad

Earlier this week, the drainages of the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers got a deluged by rain and were hit with historic floods. I got back from a tour of Roscoe and Livingston Manor area just a few minutes ago, and thought I would share some of the images. Please keep a good thought in mind for those affected by this disaster.

You see a lot of these in the area

This is the road on the way to the Junction Pool. Actually, I'm standing just above the bridge over the upper Beaverkill looking back toward town. The motel would be to my left.

I tiny tributary of the Willowemoc just upstream from the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum had a horrific flood and washed over the road. Here's some of the debris left behind.

A section of the wall at Painter's Bend got washed away.

Every campsite along the river looks like this, with campers pulled up to the roads to avoid more flood damage.

A road sign that got washed into the river at Horton.

Damage like this to the banks of the river is common up and down the Beaverkill. This one is just upstream from the pool at Horton.

Downtown Livingston Manor looks more like a dusty desert village today, with the sand and leftover junk from the flood all over the roads.

This is a typical roadside where the flooding was the worst in Livingston Manor.

It will be some time before they can clean up a mess like this


What a horrible thin...

What a horrible thing - to see photos of some of our favourite spots damaged almost beyond recognition is very disturbing. My deepest sympathies to those affected by the flooding.


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