I'm sitting here in the low, late October sun, thinking about fishing. Sunny autumn days have always been my favorite fishing days and I have had some of my best trips in September and October and caught some of my most memorable and beautiful fish in the autumn.
That's not something I do a lot any more: As you might know I was diagnosed with MS some years ago, and these days I can't drive a car, have to use a wheelchair to get around if the distance is longer than a few hundred yards and definitely can't walk on a beach or bank, less wade in the water.
I have come to rely on a pontoon boat and that hasn't brought anything really good other than lots of work and preparation before I can fish and quite a bit of hassle while I'm on the water.
I'm totally dependent on others, and can't just go off alone, driven by a hunch that the fishing might be good. I used to do that a lot, but not so any more.
I'm not whining! I have made a promise to myself that I won't whine or complain over matters that I can't change anyway. My disease is chronic and incurable and I might as well get used to it. Sitting in a corner feeling sorry for myself will neither bring me out fishing more, nor will it give me a better life.
My fishing steam is let out through GFF and on the relatively few trips I go on, and honestly: it's so much trouble going fishing and I get so physically tired doing it that my longing and urge to go is much less than it used to be. But I can't deny that walking the dog today along the water does give a little sting, and had I been able to go, I would most definitely have gone fishing today.
So to all you people locked up in a factory, an office or simply sitting in your home looking out the window at good fishing conditions... do me a favor: GO FISHING!
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That's a great read
That's a great read some sadness in it but a lot of joy so i will take that advice in all that it is and Go fishing .
Very good advice. J
Very good advice. Just to let you know GFF has been an inspiration to me over the years and and I look forward to each new article. All the best and please keep up the excellent work