I have always connected carp fishing with warm days, oily water and tonnes of gear: feeders, bite alarms, chairs, and a gazillion other things, which I don't know the neither the name nor the function of.
A good friend, Nils, who used to be a hard core carp fisher, did mention going for carp with a fly, and I have seen enough and heard enough about carp fishing to know that it could be thrilling. Carp are often referred to as "poor man's bonefish" due to the sight fishing you do to catch them and due to their strength and long runs.
Carp fishing is also surfacing in our new video channel, and a Korean carp video is the most watched video on there - twice as popular as number two - and for a good reason! It's a beautiful video and the fishing does look very exciting. Other videos with carp fishing have been added, and they all make carp fishing look both interesting and exciting.
One thing, which I find nice about carp fishing, is that it seems to take place when it's hot - in the middle of the summer. Most fishing is dead here in the middle of the summer unless you fish at night, and having something to patch the gap between spring and autumn would be nice.
I have very little experience with carps, and the only places I have seen carps is in ponds in people's gardens and in lakes and channels in certain parks here in Copenhagen. And I'm sure that tossing a fly into one of these waters would stir more than the carp. I know of lakes that have carp, and some draining channels too, but haven't really pursued it any further.
Perhaps this summer? I might give it a go. Any GFF readers who have carp experience are welcome to mail me with tips and patterns, and we might see a carp on the fly article here sometime later this year.
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Try a Bivisable on a
Try a Bivisable on a # 8 or 6 hook, consisting of three hackles, one sap green and two whites, or the reverse. The one hackle allways in the middle. I catch them this way in a 10 meter broad and 1-2 meter deep ditched channel before my front door on somer mornings or evenings. I fish them in the surface. Let it float in the wind or don't move it at all. Big fun!!