Not that I don't get to fish. I certanly do! More than most people actually. Dutch Jay Lee's blog recently introduced me to the concept of FTFE - Full Time Fishing Equivalent referring to the amount of time you fish compared to say a full time job or counted in full days. Well, in that regard I'm more than lucky, bacause my FTFE is on the right side of 50-60 days a year, meaning that I get to go fishing more than once a week.
So I may not be the right person to complain, but right now the water around here is just getting better and better and the fishing for my beloved sea trout is soooo much in that I have an itch in my *beep* from sitting by the computer screen rather than being out.
I was out yesterday, OK. Just a couple of unproductive hours after work. And I was out last weekend. Twice, actually. And with good results. Sunday morning was a 14 fish morning, which is a very good number of fish on the Danish coast. And I was home in time to see Alonso and Schumi compeat for the Formula one world championships.
That's gonna keep me home again tomorrow - unless I decide on another early day. Unfortunately the weather is horrible, so that might keep me from leaving home.
We'll see.
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