If you buy the fantastic video about Scottish salmon fly-tyer Megan Boyd today and pay a little extra you will not only get a great video experience, but also support Project Healing Waters, a charity that is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans. During the month of May the people behind Kiss the Water have been cooperating with Healing Waters and every dollar paid over the video price has been donated to the project. Find and buy the video here - as a streamed video or as a DVD (US only).
Most salmon fly tyers have heard of Megan Boyd, the legendary Scottish lady who sat in her Scottish highland cabin and tied some of the best salmon flies available. She is one of those people who has had an immense impact, but who very few people met or actually knew.
US film maker Eric Steel didn't know her either, but upon seeing her obituary in New York Times in December 2001 an interest was stirred in him, and 10 years later he set out on a journey to get to know her better. The video is the result of that journey.
The video is a portrait of Boyd with a row of interviews with people who knew her and who tell about her life and character. Some are from the area where she lived and worked all her life, some are her customers some are fly-anglers and tyers influenced by her work and style.
We will return with a full review and an interview with the filmmaker Eric Steele.
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