Even though the coastal fishing in Denmark is excellent in October - producing up to 10 percent of the year's catch of sea trout - going fishing in the first real autumn month requires some waiting for good weather and the benefit of being able to move fast when it's there.
That is why I wonder why Charles Picton and his friends keep coming over from Britain in October.
Not that I don't want them to come!
On the contrary!
But planning ahead is taking a big chance during this time of the year. They have been here in various constallations before, and almost every time they have brought the weather with them from home.
Most of our autumn weather will come from the West and North West and be reather harsh, basically meaning rain and wind - and lots of it.
On top of that, wind from the North West corner means that all my favorite spots are unfishable, and we will have to creep in shelter in waters that I don't fish so often.
Never the less Charles, Paul and Simon, who were the team this time, seems to have had some nice days. Today was their last day, and from what i have heard they caught fish yesterday. I was with them Sunday, but even though the weather was really nice, the closest we came to a fish was when a guy seven fishers down landed one.
The spot we selected was extremely well visited (to say the least), and Charles referred rightfully to seven other fishers standig very close as "bandit fishers". Amazing that people will stand fishing shoulder-to-shoulder like that. We were five, but fairly spread out over a kilometer or two, while these seven were within a rod length of each other.
Well, the guys will probably pass by here tonight, and I'll hear what this last day brought.
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