So I did an update to my winXP-pro opsys and meandered through the menu structure to see what all was added or changed. I found this little trinket on the start menu just below 'control panel' entitled 'set program access and defaults'. Now what is this I asked? So upon clicking it I found out it was nothing more than a cute way to ensure the user had quick access to setting microstink apps as the default app. Including Messenger, which is the absolute most sticky piece of software ever built by Microstink. Have you ever tried removing it?....damn near impossible. But I found a way, despite the messages I got during the process that warned me other Microstink apps rely on Messenger for services. BALONY! everything runs fine without it!
I know this *appears* to have nothing to do with flyfishing, but, alas, YOU ARE FAULTY in believing this! It has everything to do with flyfishing, because without these stresses and annoyances, I wouldn't require an escape to the stream and I wouldn't appreciate it as much.
Now, I'd better go off and update the counter friction enabling software on my favorite trout reel before the old version locks up during a big fish fight. But before that, I was warned that I might have to remove the old anti-drag module because it was defragged...I wonder if I can find a patch on Microblunder's site?
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