I rarely look at fly fishing sites online... this might seem like a paradox, but honestly: I spend so much time creating web sites (as a professional and on GFF), and that is so much more fun than surfing. Most of the sites I see are the good old ones, which I pass by with irregular intervals. Sometimes I find stuff that I like, sometimes I get bored quickly.
Today I stumbled upon a site in a category that I never use and only rarely find interesting: fly shops. Not a regular online fishing shop, but a shop that sells flies. Icelandic Francis.is is such a shop, and absolutely one of the better ones of the kind. It's well organized, neatly laid out and has some really great pictures of its flies.
Jonas Jonasson, who built and runs the shop, tells me in a mail that "it has been a lot of work but it seems to be paying off."
Good to hear that it cashes out, and well deserved in my eyes. I know how much effort has to be put into organizing the information, building and filling the system and not least shoot great images of all products, and Jonas has done a great job there. If I wasn't such a dedicated fly tyer that insists on tying my flies myself, I'd probably be a customer - particular with an Iceland-trip on the horizon.
Jonas has participated in the creation of a couple of exciting DVD's on salmon fishing BTW. I have seen one, and hope to get to see both and write a review here on GFF. Both feature some stunning underwater footage of salmon bahviour.

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