I just ordered some hooks so that I might be able to finish off my nymph project before the end of the year. I have already tied up a batch of sparkle squirrel nymphs and a couple dozen simple hare's ear nymphs - about four dozen total. I stopped 'cause I ran out of hooks!!
How could this be?
I did a quick hook inventory the other night. I have a staggering amount of hooks. I had so many hooks that I weeded out the ones seldom used and still had enough to full eight compartment boxes. The left-behinds could stock a small shop. How did this happen?
How can it be, then, that I always seem to run out of hooks for the very fly that I want to tie?? This happens at least a few times a year. A million hooks in a desk drawer, but not a single size 14 nymph hook?? Not a single size 10 grub hook?!? You've got to be kidding me!!!
Is this true for everyone? Is this like some sort of Murphy's Law of Fly Tying? Thou shalt run out of the Exact Hook thou needs just when thou sits down to tie a batch of flies?
And how can it be that I have all those hooks, yet still ache for more? There are two empty compartments in one box reserved for a couple sizes of Partridge L2A hooks.
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