Henning was not totally unhappy and we really enjoyed the evening.
mentioned I went fishing yesterday. A perfect August day: mild, calm, fresh with large puffy clouds on a blue sky.
Henning and I once again agreed wholeheartedly that it would take an extremely good day at work to beat such a day.
The only minor disruption in the idyllic picture was a cell phone call from Henning requiering my assistance for a small surgical operation. We were both fishing in T-shirts and Henning had thoroughly burried the point and barb of a size 6 Kamasan hook in his elbow!
It was stuck beyond reversal, and had to be cut. We managed to poke the point and barb through the skin and break the hook by bending it back and forth with two artery clamps. Not an elegant and subtle operation I tell you. But eventually it broke. Henning had sedated himself with a cigarette while I performed the surgery.
The sun was setting and everything was so extremely beautiful, so we fished on and had a great time while darkness fell.
But the conclusion was that we will now carry a set of heavy pliers, some antiseptic wet tissues and some band aid in our fishing kits!
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