I just ordrered Chris Mann's new book on tube flies and hair wings through Coch-y-Bonddu Books' web site. Chris' latest book was a treat, and I really look forwards to cast an eye on his latest epos.
Now, Coch-y-Bonddu Books is a rare type of shop - and a really nice for for a book afficionado like myself. If you ever pass through Machynlleth (don't bother pronouncing it!), do not miss the treat of visiting the shop.
There is a web site too, of course, for those who don't go to Wales that often. You can browse the thousands of titles available and order online.
My only complaint about the site is the selection. It's too large! Locating a book can be quite a task. Clicking on fly tying will yield 936 titles listed by author and if you choose fly fishing the number grows to a stunning 2393! All angling books is more than 4000 titles.
These long lists are almost useless, and some kind of categorizing ought to have been put in place to facilitate us poor customers in just browsing this in every other way great virtual shop.
Well, never mind. Apart from ordering books, I also go to the site to read Paul's diary. He keeps a small weblog of his ramblings and day-to-day activities in the shop, at shows and when he (all to rarely) goes fishing.) It's well worth a visit.
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