Published Mar 25. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020

Sculpin Helmets

Now this is a pretty interesting product! Looks good, adds weight and seems to be easy to tie with.

Great looking sculpins - Tied by Lee Sieckmann
Great looking sculpins
Lee Sieckmann

Sculpin are a very common prey for all trout and bass, and a good sculpin pattern is always good to have. One of the problems is getting the fly down where it belongs, on the bottom. My beloved muddlers, which make very good sculpin imitations, are notorious floaters, and I need to add eyes and weight to get them just to dive.
These heads - called Sculpin Helmets from Flymen Fishing Company - seem to add both weight and good looks.

The so called Fish Skulls are also from the Flymen. I have seen them before and might even have some lying around. I have tied with Kameleon Heads from French Bidoz Products - and caught fish on the heavy-headed flies. See the Screwhead Matuka for a little more info.
I'll try to get my hands on some Sculpin Helmets and tie with them. I'll of course let you know how the flies do.

Sculpin Helmets - Neat - adds weight and good looks
Sculpin Helmet sculpins - Probably pretty much movement in these flies
Fish Skulls - Available in several sizes and many colors
Flymen products
Flymen Fishing Company

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