A set of very good Danish DVD's on sea trout fishing have been on the market for quite a while now. I covered the first two DVD's back in 2007, but since then a couple more have been published.
I have been corresponding a bit with Niels Vestergaard, the maker of the DVD's, and just today he mailed me to inform that the DVD's have been translated into English and that a set was finding its way to GFF's review jury (in this case yours truly), and from there into a review in our review section.
I know many foreign fly anglers who have already seen the DVD's and endured the danish narration, just to be able to enjoy the great footage - not least the really fascinating underwater video of sea trout swimming right by the camera, which has been set up under the water in front of the angler who feels nothing in spite of heavy traffic.
Apart from the underwater shots, the videos contain a lot of very useful advice on coastal fishing for sea trout. You will find both fly fishing and spin fishing, but separated into each their volumes. But I see no reason for fly anglers not to see the spin DVD's and vice versa. There is lots of mutually useful information for both fishing methods.
I will add the DVD's to our review queue as soon as they arrive.
You can read much more and buy the DVD's on Niels' site Wide Open Outdoors Film
You can also see a large selection of trailers in several languages on YouTube.
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Davy, They are ou
They are out and available. Read our review here.
I am very interested
I am very interested i'n getting a look at these DVDs i'n English