Published Aug 29. 2004 - 20 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020

Summer has gone

Temperatures are dropping - in the air and in the water

For a temperate salt water angler as me, water temperatures are an important factor, deciding whether there's some potential fishing or not. During the summer the water temperature typically rises to about 20 or 22 deg. centigrade. But now - late August - it's already down to 16-27 deg. and getting closer to what's considered good. Sea trout prefer something around 10-14 deg. and definitely do not like 20. So the autumn season has started and it's time to go fishing - both day and night. The famous night fishing can still be on, but fishing in the daylight can be productive too. And we should be seeing mullet now. These shy and difficult fish usually enter our waters in July and August and can be frustratingly abundant in September and October. As always I'm looking forward to a great autumn - my favorite fishing season. And I'll start right now. My friend Henning just called. He's on his way to pick me up, and I can take off my chains and go fishing.

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