Well, tonite, my Danish bretheren are preparing to leave on their annual spring fishing fling to Bornholm...but this year with out me. Work impedes. I know the routine: Martin 'generals' the overall plans and packs at the last second, but NEVER forgets his camera. Henning bakes an *incredible* kaffe cage with the best cinnamon drizzle to be found, then he prepares a pork roll that melts in your mouth. Most of that is gone within the first 24 hours! Ken ties more flies than the whole island of Bornholm uses in a year, but each one is precise, identical and works of art in themselves; Ken is truly a master tier. Jorgen prepares several tins of liver paste, which is utterly the best bread spread this side of the Atlantic. Jorgen will not forget his favorite fly, The Jorgen Devil. I usually prepare my packing, condensing into one backpack what I will need for the entire week, including waders and boots, fishing rods and reels, and lest not gifts for my friends. Then I board a plane a day in advance bound for Copenhagen. But not this year... I am already missing out on the incredible camraderie the trip brings. I hope only to see many pix from this year and maybe next year...just maybe next year...I will return.
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