When I left my office in the basement today to fetch something in the living room, I looked out the window and my eyes fell on a small thing that hangs in a tree in the garden - a whirly gig made by and given to me by Rich Lobrowich who so kindly hosted and guided me on a great trip to Sierra Nevada in Califonia back then.
The whirly gig is shaped like a fish. Rich made them in many shapes, but gave me this particular one as a gift. I have always enjoyed its optimistic spinning in my garden all year round, and it does contain some fond memories of a short trip and a really good friendship.
The weather was particularly wet and windy today, and the whirly gig was happily spinning and turning around itself reminding me of my trip and Rich.
Rich wrote his version of my visit in his club newsletter from September 1999. You can find it here. Search for the word Danish.
An update from September 2022
The whirly gig originally had nylon propellers, but they became brittle and broke, and the gig has been laying around for years and years doing nothing.
So just recently I decided to provide it with a couple of new propellers, and wood seemed the right choice rather than buying some plastic ones. Home carved and equipped with metal bushings and pearls for easy spinning.
It's not quite as lively as it was with the original spinners, but with a little wind it will most likely whirl cozily in our garden again.
PS: I'm happy to report than it spins happily when the wind is right.
PPS: It seems that the proper term is a whirligig.
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