(Can you tell I'm working from home today, and that I'm working in my fly tying room?)
Ahem. Where was I? Oh yeah - World's Greatest Sandwich.
Bread: Whole Wheat, toasted medium dark
Meat: Turkey, Boar's Head Honey Maple, thinly sliced.
Cheese: Single slice Kraft American
Peppers: From a jar of sliced hot peppers
Spread: Red pepper preserves from Kelder Farms
Crunch: Fresh lettuce, shredded
- Take bread from freezer. Toast to medium brown. Get out toaster oven.
- Put foil down on baking tray, for easy cleanup.
- Lay slices of toast on baking tray.
- One slice: three slices of turkey folded onto bread, topped w/ hot peppers, topped w/ single slice of cheese
- Other slice: Red peper preserves from Kelder Farms spread generously
- Stick baking tray in toaster oven and hit the toast button with a "light" setting.
- Get out the lettuce and shred it with your chef's knife.
- When the oven dinger dings, remove baking tray and transfer sandwich halves carefully to waiting plate w/ spatula.
- Pile shredded lettuce high on top of melted cheese.
- Cover gently with other half.
- Garnish plate with pretzels or chips of choice.
Chase it down with a Diet Vanilla Pepsi.
Go. Now. Make one.
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