Published Jul 18. 2007 - 17 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 8. 2015

Recent smallmouth bass encounters

DistantStreams's picture


Amazing how many different angles you can get with the same fish... :D

Great pictures Rodney. When are you coming back over here?


They fight a hell of a lot...

They fight a hell of a lot harder than their size. Don't they, Rodney. How did you fish the nymphs?

Rodney's picture

Re: Amazing......

[quote:500a21dd0e="DistantStreams"]Amazing how many different angles you can get with the same fish... :D

Haha... I actually have about 150 photos from the trip. :D I had a tripod set up in my boat with a video camera so I could simply flip the screen around, and take photos in between video clips that way. It's quite exciting when there is a bit of chop on the water too. :D

Great pictures Rodney. When are you coming back over here?

Probably December again. Hopefully I'll connect with a sea trout on the beach this time. Last year we fished Møn cliff area but had no luck, saw a couple fish landed late on in the day. We also fished on the west side of sealand one day, and I lost one fish but I think it was a rainbow.

Rodney's picture

They fight a hell of a lot...

[quote:01c9ea8fe5="Esox"]They fight a hell of a lot harder than their size. Don't they, Rodney. How did you fish the nymphs?[/quote:01c9ea8fe5]

Different kind of fight to a salmonid, the broad tail sure makes them hard to come up to the surface. :) Our typical target fish here are salmon, steelhead and trout, so it's refreshing to fish for smallmouth bass for a few days a year. I find that their takes usually feel more like a pause or slow drag. A lot of times I mistakened them as weed or bottom. Once the hook is set, the fight is definitely very exciting. With nymphs, I just fish with wooly buggers (brown, black, size 8) by letting a intermediate sink tip to get the fly down to where they are. Most of these fish (the bigger ones anyways) are now sitting in 30 to 40 feet of water. There are also some very nice cutthroat trout in this lake, but the lake is a bit warm for them now. I did manage to "by-catch" one last weekend. ;)



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