Regarding Ray's Fly...I like the purity and simplicity...Quick to tye and catches fish...
Enhanced colour and detail...Pleasingly spartan...
Evolution and technical DNA upgrades...Enter the TWEAKER!
3-d Eyez under Tuffeley acrilic...Hello Mr Darwin...Goodbye Mr. Ray...
Galapagos Island worm hook departure...
My evil Second Cousin Deceiver insinuation...
Another O'dark thirty revelation...same basic jenes, different shirt...Pete's Fly?!
Genetic Engineering and mylar bling...
[u:30fec12709]Subliminal message: [/u:30fec12709]
[b:30fec12709]"INFLEXIBILITY is the NEMESIS of IMPROVISATION"[/b:30fec12709] [i:30fec12709](Beaverbrook, Battle of Brittain)[/i:30fec12709]
[b:30fec12709]"The lines are NOT always your friends...DON'T always stay within the lines!"[/b:30fec12709] [i:30fec12709](me)[/i:30fec12709]
Beautiful variants.
I've been working on a Ray's Spey Fly.
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[b:859db6ece6]Mr. Ray stood too close to the [i:859db6ece6]anti-matter-particle-generator[/i:859db6ece6]...[/b:859db6ece6]
Badly bloated and mumbling incoherently, he soon came to realize his infallibility... :shock:
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LOL...Pete, I didn't recognize your profile name, but I sure recognize those gorgeous flies...makes my Ray's Fly look pretty pitiful...I need to test it out, and make some more.
I'm Kelkay, you may recognize that nick. :D
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that's nice just the way I like it simple and easy to tye!what material do you prefer to use on the wing?
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G'day Kelly...
Thanks for your kind words... 'small internet world!
Your tyz look [b:679c6d0995][i:679c6d0995]great[/i:679c6d0995][/b:679c6d0995]... Get 'em wet and dance with some fish!
I agree... simple and easy stuff can be special...
besides showing off good technique, the fish seem to approve as well...
Synthetics are always evolving and get more cosmic all the time, but I still prefer natural fur and feathers... they stand the test of time...
A simple wing of sparse buck tail [less is more] with a subtle touch of flash, topped with peacock herl or rhea...
That's the ticket!...
Ray's is a fine example of simplistic beauty and balance... my evolution exercise was a fun freestyle escape from set pattern tying... there's no denying the basics...
For advanced study, Davis Nelson [davidstrout on stripersonline surftalk] is a "master" of the natural...
Technically refined and balanced... his flys have the "IT" factor and influence much of what strive for!
a bit brisk... Time for tyin'...
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How's it going Pete. You and the pups are well.
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Beautiful variants.
Beautiful variants.
I've been working on a Ray's Spey Fly.
Not thinking that the radiation exposure was that serious...
[b:859db6ece6]Mr. Ray stood too close to the [i:859db6ece6]anti-matter-particle-generator[/i:859db6ece6]...[/b:859db6ece6]
Badly bloated and mumbling incoherently, he soon came to realize his infallibility... :shock:
Superb as always
Superb as always
LOL...Pete, I didn't
LOL...Pete, I didn't recognize your profile name, but I sure recognize those gorgeous flies...makes my Ray's Fly look pretty pitiful...I need to test it out, and make some more.
I'm Kelkay, you may recognize that nick. :D
that's nice just the way I
that's nice just the way I like it simple and easy to tye!what material do you prefer to use on the wing?
Merry Winter Solstice and Happy Fly and Cold Season...
G'day Kelly...
Thanks for your kind words... 'small internet world!
Your tyz look [b:679c6d0995][i:679c6d0995]great[/i:679c6d0995][/b:679c6d0995]... Get 'em wet and dance with some fish!
I agree... simple and easy stuff can be special...
besides showing off good technique, the fish seem to approve as well...
Synthetics are always evolving and get more cosmic all the time, but I still prefer natural fur and feathers... they stand the test of time...
A simple wing of sparse buck tail [less is more] with a subtle touch of flash, topped with peacock herl or rhea...
That's the ticket!...
Ray's is a fine example of simplistic beauty and balance... my evolution exercise was a fun freestyle escape from set pattern tying... there's no denying the basics...
For advanced study, Davis Nelson [davidstrout on stripersonline surftalk] is a "master" of the natural...
Technically refined and balanced... his flys have the "IT" factor and influence much of what strive for!
a bit brisk... Time for tyin'...
How's it going Pete. You and
How's it going Pete. You and the pups are well.