Published Feb 16. 2009 - 15 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 8. 2015

Spring Pike ???


What type of fly should i use when fishing for Pike in springtime :?:

tight lines


Martin Joergensen's picture



Popper, popper, popper!

The most fun that can be had with pike, and if they're taking in the surface it's sooo much fun. A simple one is found here:



Great idea. I've got to give it a try. Have you thought of adding feathers or some sort of tail material to it. I've got a bunch of home made loco/sili foam lying around. Problem is by the time I get to do some pike fishing they're not that interested in top water stuff. Maybe the bluefish and striped bass will like it.

This is my favorite pike pattern though I use it much later in the year.

I tie it without the prop also.

Or some weedless ones

Martin Joergensen's picture



The Plipper originally had a tail and looked like a "real" fly, but I cut away all the surplus, and wound up with the foam only. Simple and efficient - and throw-away!

I certainly have fished pike with more traditional flies like the ones you show. The pike are not always willing to take in the surface, and much of my fishing is done with sinking line and traditional, large pike flies.

But mostly I try the surface first - especially when wading and fishing shallow water.



I fish for them when I go to northern Ontario in mid-July. Come to think of it I've never really thrown any top water, either flies or lures, at them. I've certainly caught them in water where the water was less than 3 feet casting shallow running lures or flies off a sink tip or intermediate line.. Sounds like something to keep me amused this year when I head up.
I've got to print out the tying directions, but I've definitely got to do a couple, maybe in smaller sizes for bass.

Martin Joergensen's picture



If you want something with a bit more "life" but along the same lines, try the Burning Man:

That should be a perfect bass pattern.


which line should i use...

which line should i use
i ve got the loop pike booster rod 8/9

ps. Nice flies^^


I've found that on rods that are suppose to handle two different line weights, they usually perform better with the heavier weight line. I would suggest using a 9 wgt line on it. As far as type of line, that depends on the water your fishing. I have a spare spool for my 5 wgt and 8 wgt. For the 5 wgt, I have a WF floating line and sink tip line.
The 8 wgt spools have a WF floating line and and intermediate sinking line with a clear tip. My most used rod is my 6 wgt and I have three spools for it. WF floating, an intermediate line and a fast sinking depth charge line.
If you're planning on fishing both top water and subsurface and can only afford one line you might consider an intermediate it line. It sinks slowly, and can be used to fish both top water and subsurface flies. If you're using it for top water, you just have to strip it fast enough to stay ahead of the sink rate.
If you have a spare spool load one with WF floating line, and a sink tip line on the other.
Base the sink rate on the depth of water you plan to be fishing.


I ve bought a loop opti runningline and an intermediate shootinghead
would that do its jop

top link is the shooting head
bottom is the runningline^^

tight lines


Jocelin LeBlanc's picture

Re: Spring Pike ???...

[quote:16b67895e3="Alexander von Dombois"]What type of fly should i use when fishing for Pike in springtime :?:

tight lines



My favorite springtime pike flies are

I mainly fish for river pike and these are what is best for this area

red belly dace immitation (we have massive spring runs of these small fish and pike will target them easily)











WOW !...

i like that pink fly

where did u catch the pike on the last pic?

Jocelin LeBlanc's picture

WOW !...

[quote:8e663816bb="Alexander von Dombois"]WOW !
i like that pink fly

where did u catch the pike on the last pic?[/quote:8e663816bb]

All in the same Area I always fish for pike in The Aux Outardes River Quebec, why would i change with thesse monsters



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