Published Feb 5. 2019 - 5 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 17. 2019

Tool Tip: Hair Stackers

Wayne Luallens shows a couple of types of hair stackers for fly tying, including the closed end hair stacker.

Martin Joergensen


Where can I purchase the closed-end stacker in your video?...

Wayne, love your videos and analysis. I have Googled my fingers and brain off looking for a closed-end stacker like the one shown in your video but no joy, can you please tell me where I can get one?

Martin Joergensen's picture

It will come...

Thomas (and others seeking links in this section).

When we get the section up and running fully, we will strive to have links to all relevant tools and materials, so that you can find and maybe purchase them. For now this section is still work in progress.


where to buy ...

Can you tell me where I might purchase one of these?

Martin Joergensen's picture

I have tried...


I have tried to get a hold of one myself, but failed. It's made by US tyer Joe Libeu, but I haven't had success in ordering one. I will follow up on it.


Closed-end hair stacker...

It looks like Ebay has a closed-end stacker for sale-- search for the "Master hair stacker". About 12-13 bucks including shipping and tax.

Master Hair Stacker...

I received my Master Hair stacker and found that I was wrong-- that it is two hair stackers-- a 12 mm and 14mm stacker on each end of a closed tube. The unit is made on a lathe and the solid rod was only partially drilled through to separate the stackers on each end.

so, I was able to convert the Master Hair stacker to a longer closed-end stacker by drilling through the undrilled plug between the hair stackers. I used a 31/64 inch drill bit and a drill press. This bit at 12.2mm diameter is about the same inner diameter as the small end hair stacker.

Because the overall length of the Master hair stacker is 4.25 inches (108mm), I have to leave one end off to stack hairs longer than the total length of this stacker. You just have to be careful when tamping down the hair so you do not lose some hair out the top. Also, I find the diameter of the unit at 12 mm is a little tight to get kinky hair settle well but works OK if you only use small amounts of hair.

Master Hair Stacker needs to drilled out to stack long hair...

I received my Master Hair stacker and found that I was wrong-- that it is two hair stackers-- a 12 mm and 14mm stacker on each end of a closed tube. The unit is made on a lathe and the solid rod was only partially drilled through to separate the stackers on each end.

so, I was able to convert the Master Hair stacker to a longer closed-end stacker by drilling through the undrilled plug between the hair stackers. I used a 31/64 inch drill bit and a drill press. This bit at 12.2mm diameter is about the same inner diameter as the small end hair stacker.

Because the overall length of the Master hair stacker is 4.25 inches (108mm), I have to leave one end off to stack hairs longer than the total length of this stacker. You just have to be careful when tamping down the hair so you do not lose some hair out the top. Also, I find the diameter of the unit at 12 mm is a little tight to get kinky hair settle well but works OK if you only use small amounts of hair.

Stacking Bucktail: Modifying a Loon-brand Zippy Hair-Stacker...

I modified a large-size Loon-brand Zippy hair stacker by adding a long open-ended tube so that bucktail can be stacked.

A video of the stacker and the stacking process is posted on Youtube--


Wayne's Tying Tips

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