My son asked me a question the other day for his school project...
"Dad, do you know how many people fly fish in the United States?"
I asked, How many?........"13,000,000 and growing." and "Did you know they average 20-days each per year fishing? he added.
Then I asked, How many are there in each country throughout the world, which is most active, and how many days - in comparrison? Is global warmining effecting some areas more than others? What effect - increase or decline of fisheries?..............I went nutzz with my questions///
.........I know he is searching, but, I need your help finding the data.
Thanks for helping me have a good answer.
How about Salt water vs. Fresh water? Fast rivers vs. shallow streams? Morning vs. Dusk? Tell some stories.
Years ago when the trolling for salmon in the rip at tide change was over - we would strip the gear and tie a streaming fly and triple our speed. Watching the Silvers chase the lure skipping across the surface - fast darting streaks in the dark screen - now that was exciting! Watching the fish finder - showing the 15 pound hook nose buck Silvers circle around the boat and head into the fly at full speed - SLAM!!! Almost ripping the pole out of your hands if you were not alert - screaming clickers in the nearing sunset post card view. Nothing like it!
Since there are no more Elwa River 80# Kings and 60# Skagit River Chinooks anymore after they dammed up the rivers or Large hook-nosed Silvers seldom get thru past the nets traversing back and forth along the Strait of Juan de Fuca: I need a challenge for a change: single hand - two-handed - UltraLite - I am making titanium fly reels for each style. This is going to be fun and exciting.
There are several established groups and associations in Puget Sound - I will work on gathering up a list - maybe we can share our stories online - and share some pictures.
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Searching around on - I came across a full featured site about fishing in Ireland. See at
Do you have a site simular in your country?
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Fly Fishing: Clubs, Associations or Groups - Where are you?
How about Salt water vs. Fresh water? Fast rivers vs. shallow streams? Morning vs. Dusk? Tell some stories.
Years ago when the trolling for salmon in the rip at tide change was over - we would strip the gear and tie a streaming fly and triple our speed. Watching the Silvers chase the lure skipping across the surface - fast darting streaks in the dark screen - now that was exciting! Watching the fish finder - showing the 15 pound hook nose buck Silvers circle around the boat and head into the fly at full speed - SLAM!!! Almost ripping the pole out of your hands if you were not alert - screaming clickers in the nearing sunset post card view. Nothing like it!
Since there are no more Elwa River 80# Kings and 60# Skagit River Chinooks anymore after they dammed up the rivers or Large hook-nosed Silvers seldom get thru past the nets traversing back and forth along the Strait of Juan de Fuca: I need a challenge for a change: single hand - two-handed - UltraLite - I am making titanium fly reels for each style. This is going to be fun and exciting.
There are several established groups and associations in Puget Sound - I will work on gathering up a list - maybe we can share our stories online - and share some pictures.
Searching around on - I came across a full featured site about fishing in Ireland. See at
Do you have a site simular in your country?