When the 787 engineers gets their wing box re-design fixed - maybe I will have more time fishing, until then - I can only talk fishing.
My best waters are the West side of Whidbey Island just South of the Keystone ferry dock.There is a stretch of beach that is about 3-miles long and slopes off to about 6-feet deep at about 20-feet out. Very clean and baitful water.
The best I can hope for is at sunset and place a fly down wind about 3-feet off shore just when the tide is slack. The 8-10 lbs silvers are plentyful about mid-September thru early-October- they hit the beach trying to decide where Deception Pass is inorder to get up the Skagit, Snohomish, and all the others heading East.
This year I am going to get simple and try my hand at making a few center-pins - I know I will have my hands full but isn't that what's it all about? No drag - no fuss - just you and the fish......can't get much better than that!
What is your gear of choice and what waters?
An engineer's work is never done,
Nearly every weekend I travel to the East Portal of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, a National Park here in the United States. In the spring and fall I fish primarily for brown trout with my trusty 11'3" 6wt. switch rod and a variety of streamers, usually yellow and red patters work best. The canyon is a narrow 2000 ft. deep slot in the black basement rock of time, ribboned with pink feldspar intrusions.
I let the streamers drift down the center of the low fall flow until they are near the bottom, and then bring them up the sides of the river, stripping them in fast streaks. When the fish hit, there is no mistaking it, and violent protests ensue once hooked, usually ending at at my net with a calm return to placidness.
The fall colors of leaves and fish make the experience that much more beautiful,before the before the grey and black and white of winter sets in, beautiful in it's own way. Unfortunately the road closes closes for winter, so I must fish other waters.
I would love to hear more people share their favorite rigs & places.
Hi Flywalleye, that sounds like some great fishing, which switch rod do you use? I am thinking of getting one for the Tongariro river and some light saltwater work.
Mostly I fish the beautful Tongariro or the Whanganui Rver upstream from Taumaranui. The Tongariro demands some fairly heavy gear as mostly I am casting big tungsten bead nymphs to get down. (if your not on the bottom your not fishing) So the Whanganui makes a nice change, I can get the 5 weight out and fish some dry fly or some combo rigs.
Here is a pic of the Tongariro:
Nd one from a smaller no name stream:
Hope the links work.
All the best.
Hi TitanPalmer the Tongariro is at the southern end of Lake Taupo in the central North Island and the no-name stream is a tributary of Lake Aniwhenua in the Bay of Plenty district of the North Island. The Tongariro is a big river with the fishing being for Rainbows that live most of the year in Lake Taupo and only run the rivers to spawn. Most other North Island streams are a mix of resident trout and lake trout. With a good mix of Browns and Rainbows.
All the best.
Great Topic
My playground is the Québec North Shore Region one of the jewels in North America's outdoor crown, half a million square miles of nature, bigger than even Alaska. And the irony? Most Québécois lives in urban belt along the border with the New England States. Three quarters of this vast area is empty.
Empty is a relative term, though. Where some see nothing, others find a wilderness world of serenity and beauty that's remarkable. In its lakes, streams and rivers, its great mountains and deep forests, Qébec North Shore holds the promise of a hundred adventures to be lived.
To be more specific the Upper Aux Outardes Watershed is my favorite North Shore system, it has approximately 60 miles of fishable water, the Outardes 4 reservoir below is about 120 miles long and 10 miles wide With about 120 islands, many secluded bays and beautiful shorelines, there is no end of great new fishing spots. The cold clear water offers fantastic trophy fly fishing. This tremendous body of water offers lots of diversity of various underwater habitat ranging form rocky points, steep rock drop of to sandy beaches and countless calm bays. Water depth on the river system is from 4 to 25 feet and for the reservoir 35 to 250 feet. With all of its various structures and large population of whitefish and other baitfish will produce trophy lake trout & Pike not easily matched elsewhere in Quebec.
My personal choice when it come to equipment is a long Gatti FR 3PA 11 foot 8 weights and for a shorter rod the powerful FR 3PA 10 foot 7 weight. My personal choice of reels are Gatti #3 ANTI REVERSE large arbor fly reel & STH Turbine Disc LA.
This is going to be a challenge - I wonder what it is going to look like and how close I can get.
Black Canyon Streamers
An engineer's work is never done,
Nearly every weekend I travel to the East Portal of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, a National Park here in the United States. In the spring and fall I fish primarily for brown trout with my trusty 11'3" 6wt. switch rod and a variety of streamers, usually yellow and red patters work best. The canyon is a narrow 2000 ft. deep slot in the black basement rock of time, ribboned with pink feldspar intrusions.
I let the streamers drift down the center of the low fall flow until they are near the bottom, and then bring them up the sides of the river, stripping them in fast streaks. When the fish hit, there is no mistaking it, and violent protests ensue once hooked, usually ending at at my net with a calm return to placidness.
The fall colors of leaves and fish make the experience that much more beautiful,before the before the grey and black and white of winter sets in, beautiful in it's own way. Unfortunately the road closes closes for winter, so I must fish other waters.
I would love to hear more people share their favorite rigs & places.
Hi Flywalleye, that sounds
Hi Flywalleye, that sounds like some great fishing, which switch rod do you use? I am thinking of getting one for the Tongariro river and some light saltwater work.
Mostly I fish the beautful Tongariro or the Whanganui Rver upstream from Taumaranui. The Tongariro demands some fairly heavy gear as mostly I am casting big tungsten bead nymphs to get down. (if your not on the bottom your not fishing) So the Whanganui makes a nice change, I can get the 5 weight out and fish some dry fly or some combo rigs.
Here is a pic of the Tongariro:
Nd one from a smaller no name stream:
Hope the links work.
All the best.
Great picture!
Where abouts in NZ is this?
Hi TitanPalmer the Tongariro
Hi TitanPalmer the Tongariro is at the southern end of Lake Taupo in the central North Island and the no-name stream is a tributary of Lake Aniwhenua in the Bay of Plenty district of the North Island. The Tongariro is a big river with the fishing being for Rainbows that live most of the year in Lake Taupo and only run the rivers to spawn. Most other North Island streams are a mix of resident trout and lake trout. With a good mix of Browns and Rainbows.
All the best.
Great Topic
Great Topic
My playground is the Québec North Shore Region one of the jewels in North America's outdoor crown, half a million square miles of nature, bigger than even Alaska. And the irony? Most Québécois lives in urban belt along the border with the New England States. Three quarters of this vast area is empty.
Empty is a relative term, though. Where some see nothing, others find a wilderness world of serenity and beauty that's remarkable. In its lakes, streams and rivers, its great mountains and deep forests, Qébec North Shore holds the promise of a hundred adventures to be lived.
To be more specific the Upper Aux Outardes Watershed is my favorite North Shore system, it has approximately 60 miles of fishable water, the Outardes 4 reservoir below is about 120 miles long and 10 miles wide With about 120 islands, many secluded bays and beautiful shorelines, there is no end of great new fishing spots. The cold clear water offers fantastic trophy fly fishing. This tremendous body of water offers lots of diversity of various underwater habitat ranging form rocky points, steep rock drop of to sandy beaches and countless calm bays. Water depth on the river system is from 4 to 25 feet and for the reservoir 35 to 250 feet. With all of its various structures and large population of whitefish and other baitfish will produce trophy lake trout & Pike not easily matched elsewhere in Quebec.
My personal choice when it come to equipment is a long Gatti FR 3PA 11 foot 8 weights and for a shorter rod the powerful FR 3PA 10 foot 7 weight. My personal choice of reels are Gatti #3 ANTI REVERSE large arbor fly reel & STH Turbine Disc LA.
Request came in to build 50 reels at 3wt - under 1 ounce
This is going to be a challenge - I wonder what it is going to look like and how close I can get.