This is my most successful fly for Sea Trout, tied no bigger then 50 mm on a Tiemco size 8 ,I've called it the BugBeel because it utilise the tack free UV cure resin Bug Bond ... 3.5 sec cure time with no residue
The fly is a cross between a surf candy and a flatwing
[b:be2f5d8da1]Hook: [/b:be2f5d8da1]Tiemco 811s size 8
[b:be2f5d8da1]Underwing:[/b:be2f5d8da1] White goat hair
[b:be2f5d8da1]Lateral flash : [/b:be2f5d8da1]Pearl Flashabou
[b:be2f5d8da1]First flatwing:[/b:be2f5d8da1] white cape hackle
[b:be2f5d8da1]Second flatwing :[/b:be2f5d8da1] lavender saddle feather ( use what ever you have )
[b:be2f5d8da1]Third flatwing:[/b:be2f5d8da1] golden olive cape hackle
[b:be2f5d8da1]Body wrap:[/b:be2f5d8da1] Uv flash
[b:be2f5d8da1]Top wing :[/b:be2f5d8da1] Med Olive and burnt olive blended buck tail topped off with three strands of herl
[b:be2f5d8da1]Eyes :[/b:be2f5d8da1] 3mm gold with black pupil
[b:be2f5d8da1]Resin:[/b:be2f5d8da1] Bug Bond
Hook in vice
Good thread base .. I use white UTC 140 as I want some bulk at the head
Tie in an underwing of goat hair
tie in a piece of flashabou along each side of the hook shank
tie in the first hackle flatwing style
tie in the second hackle on top of the first
tie in the third hackle on top of the second .. tail done
Wrap the body in flash of your choice .. I use A UV flash which is hard to see in the photo
Blend the med olive and burnt olive bt together
Tie in as a top wing
tie in three strands of herl
pull all the materials back
Apply the first coat of bug Bond and stick the eyes on
Apply the second coat of Bug Bond
Apply the final coat of Bug Bond
A few fish that have been caught ( and returned ) on this fly
Tight lines
[i:624b001679]nice tie and a very nice..sewin![/i:624b001679]
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nice tie and a very nice.
[i:624b001679]nice tie and a very nice..sewin![/i:624b001679]