RAT FACED SPIDER â Pettine / Variant (Skwala)â¦Tilted view...
HOOK: TMC 2457, Mustad CO68, Daiichi 1120, #6-#10
THREAD: Uni 6/0 or Wapsi Ultra 140 Denier â Brown
TAILS: Natural Goose Biots
BODY: Hareâs Ear Dubbing, #3, Bunny Mask -( From Crown)
RIB: Glitter D Rib, Medium, Amber
THORAX: Hareâs Ear Dubbing, #1, Bunny Mask â (From Earâs)
WINGCASE: x2, Mottled Thin Skin
HACKLE: Speckled India Hen Back
HOOK: Tiemco 2302, # 16-#18
THREAD: Tiemco 16/0 Brown
TAIL: MFC speckled centipede legs â Mini- Brown
UNDER ABDOMEN: Krystal Flash, Rusty Brown
OVER ABDOMEN: D- Rib, Small, Brown
THORAX: 50/50 Mix, Chopped Hare-Tron, Dark Brown / AZ Simi Seal #.19, Canadian Brown
CARPACE: Thin Skin, Mottled Oak
HACKLE: MFC Henryâs Fork Hackle, Brown (CDC)
LEGS: Same as Tail
BEAD: Tung. Copper 5/64 or 1/16 for # 18
BROWN HOLO STONE â Egry-Davies / Variantâ¦Tilted viewâ¦
HOOK: TMC 2302,5262,5263 or Daiichi 1270, # 12-#16
THREAD: Wapsi Ultra 70 Denier, Brown for under/abdomen, Tiemco 16/0, Brown for thorax â forward
TAIL: Hareline speckled crazy legs, Olive
RIB: Copper Brown wire, sized to hook
ABDOMEN: Brown Holographic Flashabou, 2-4 strands
THORAX: Brown UV Ice Dub
WINGCASE(s): x2, Mottled Brown Thin Skin
HACKLE: Brown Hen Hackle
BEAD: Copper Tung. or Brass
MIRAGE COPPER SEXY STONE â Gauerke / Variantâ¦Tilted viewâ¦
HOOK: TMC 2302,5262.5263, Daiichi 1270 #10-#16
THREAD: Wapsi Ultra 70 denier, Brown (to thorax) â Tiemco 16/0, Brown â forward
WEIGHT: 0.15-0.20 Lead or lead sub. (under thorax)
TAG: Pink UV Ice Dub (between tails)
TAILS: Tan Goose Biots
OVER ABDOMEN: Medium Mirage Opal Tinsel
WEAVE: Ultra Wire, Copper Brown wire (top), F. Orange wire (bottom)â¦Brassie, Medium or Small â sized to hook
THORAX: Spirit River Squirrel Blend â Rust / SLF Prism #120, Amberâ¦70/30 mix
WINGCASE(s): x3, Mottled Brown Thin Skin
HACKLE: Brown Partridge Feather ( lower back of skin)
BEAD: Optional copper or gold, tung. or brass
All are patterns intended for use on the Eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the late Winter and early Spring...including HERE:
My son Michael, on the East Walker River, Bridgeport, California...
This is the impoundment that feeds the river and the view one sees coming off the water..Bridgeport reservoir..,
and one of the views on the way up to the alpine valley where Bridgeport, CA is located...my daughter Ally above Mono Lake...
I have been coming to this place since I was a little boy...it is where I met Frank Arcularius on the water (see Ray Bergman's TROUT) and watched CA FF legend, Ned Grey, fish a brace of wets, when he was in his 80's...
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As always great flies, and a nice stretch of river! If my legs could carry me I'd love to fish a place like that.
This is the impoundment that feeds the river and the view one sees coming off the water..Bridgeport reservoir..,
and one of the views on the way up to the alpine valley where Bridgeport, CA is located...my daughter Ally above Mono Lake...
I have been coming to this place since I was a little boy...it is where I met Frank Arcularius on the water (see Ray Bergman's TROUT) and watched CA FF legend, Ned Grey, fish a brace of wets, when he was in his 80's...