Hi! I am a new member. :D I am a beginner to fly tying. I want to start making my own saltwater flies so I can fish for snook and bonefish. What tools will I need to start with except a vise?
I bought this vise: http://www.basspro.com/White-River-Fly-Shopreg;-Classic-Vise/product/98…
Is it good for tying saltwater flies? Both large and small?
by the looks of it and the comments you will find on basspro I don't think so. If you are truely interested in tying saltwater flies in your neck of the woods, you are looking at serious hardware when it comes to hooks, the flies need to be tied tough, both is difficult to impossible when the vice doesn't hold them really tight. I would swing by a fly store, chat with the guys there and then come to a decision whether to start this or not.
A word of warning, tying your own flies is NOT cheaper than buying. It is the other way round. I started my tying career 25 years ago, I enjoy tying flies and spend significant money on hooks and material.
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Thanks for the advice! Do you have any fly tying vise you could recommend to me to start with? Maybe something under 60 dollars?
Thanks! :D
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as I am not in this market (a friend gave me his Bynaking a long time ago) I can't really judge this. The price differences between Europe and the US are to your favour so perhaps you get by at this price.
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From the same shop, this one looks better. I have not tried it but I may well order one for my salt water flies.
All the best.
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Coming late to this discussion and maybe too late but still...
Tying saltwater flies requires a sturdy vice with a good grip on large hooks. And if you ask me ANY vice should be rotary along the axis of the hook shank! Some tyers disagree, but that's my personal opinion. Placing eyes, materials on all sides and working with epoxy, resins and hot melt glue is SO much easier with a truly rotating vice.
The White River Fly Shop Classic Vise does seem pretty lousy, and is most likely Indian or Chinese and very poor craftsmanship. Do not go down that path!
Aim higher and save yourself lots of frustrations and buying a new vice in a short time.
The Terra Rotary Vise looks more like it, but seems a bit tiny if you want to tie on larger hooks.
A vise like the DanVise New-Classic Vise (85 USD) is butt-ugly and clumsy looking, but most users seem happy with it.
Personally I would spend even more money now (saving later) and go for something like the Peak rotary (at 150 USD), and going into that league I'd spring the extra money and get a Renzetti Traveler (200 USD). The Renztti is a vise that will give you at least 10-20 years or more of unbroken service even if you tie a lot. And it works!
Apart from that you need good scissors and a good ceramic bobbin holder as the most critical items. All else is cheap and can be bought cheaply and upgraded as you go.
DO NOT get tempted by kits (unless they are from brand names like CFC or Griffin). They are far east junkyard knockoffs and not worth a dime. Buy your tools one at the time or make them yourself.
Needles, velcro, electronic clips, razor blades and such will bring you far.
Hope this helps
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Thanks for the help! I found the DanVise New-Classic Vise (85 USD) at Cabela's and it looks like a great vise! :D
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when it comes to tools, as a cheap tool will only add to the frustration when
your starting out learning the art of tyeing !!!
A short list of tools you will need and use often,
sclssors..an ultra fine tip , a fine tip and a curved tip
a bodkin tool
hackle pliers
bobbin holders ceramic tip in different lengths short tip for the tiny stuff and long for the big stuff
wire cutters ..dont use your scissors for wire
bobbin threaders
bobbin tip cleaners
hair stacker and packer
dubbin loop tool
I'm sure the list will grow as you learn
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by the looks of it and the comments you will find on basspro I don't think so. If you are truely interested in tying saltwater flies in your neck of the woods, you are looking at serious hardware when it comes to hooks, the flies need to be tied tough, both is difficult to impossible when the vice doesn't hold them really tight. I would swing by a fly store, chat with the guys there and then come to a decision whether to start this or not.
A word of warning, tying your own flies is NOT cheaper than buying. It is the other way round. I started my tying career 25 years ago, I enjoy tying flies and spend significant money on hooks and material.
Thanks for the advice! Do you
Thanks for the advice! Do you have any fly tying vise you could recommend to me to start with? Maybe something under 60 dollars?
Thanks! :D
as I am not in this market (a
as I am not in this market (a friend gave me his Bynaking a long time ago) I can't really judge this. The price differences between Europe and the US are to your favour so perhaps you get by at this price.
From the same shop, this one
From the same shop, this one looks better. I have not tried it but I may well order one for my salt water flies.
All the best.
Thanks for the link! :D
Thanks for the link! :D
Coming late to this discussion and maybe too late but still...
Tying saltwater flies requires a sturdy vice with a good grip on large hooks. And if you ask me ANY vice should be rotary along the axis of the hook shank! Some tyers disagree, but that's my personal opinion. Placing eyes, materials on all sides and working with epoxy, resins and hot melt glue is SO much easier with a truly rotating vice.
The White River Fly Shop Classic Vise does seem pretty lousy, and is most likely Indian or Chinese and very poor craftsmanship. Do not go down that path!
Aim higher and save yourself lots of frustrations and buying a new vice in a short time.
The Terra Rotary Vise looks more like it, but seems a bit tiny if you want to tie on larger hooks.
A vise like the DanVise New-Classic Vise (85 USD) is butt-ugly and clumsy looking, but most users seem happy with it.
Personally I would spend even more money now (saving later) and go for something like the Peak rotary (at 150 USD), and going into that league I'd spring the extra money and get a Renzetti Traveler (200 USD). The Renztti is a vise that will give you at least 10-20 years or more of unbroken service even if you tie a lot. And it works!
Apart from that you need good scissors and a good ceramic bobbin holder as the most critical items. All else is cheap and can be bought cheaply and upgraded as you go.
DO NOT get tempted by kits (unless they are from brand names like CFC or Griffin). They are far east junkyard knockoffs and not worth a dime. Buy your tools one at the time or make them yourself.
Needles, velcro, electronic clips, razor blades and such will bring you far.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the help! I found
Thanks for the help! I found the DanVise New-Classic Vise (85 USD) at Cabela's and it looks like a great vise! :D
Never go the cheap route
when it comes to tools, as a cheap tool will only add to the frustration when
your starting out learning the art of tyeing !!!
A short list of tools you will need and use often,
sclssors..an ultra fine tip , a fine tip and a curved tip
a bodkin tool
hackle pliers
bobbin holders ceramic tip in different lengths short tip for the tiny stuff and long for the big stuff
wire cutters ..dont use your scissors for wire
bobbin threaders
bobbin tip cleaners
hair stacker and packer
dubbin loop tool
I'm sure the list will grow as you learn