[b:64eb4b2758]'Somewhat less challenging than the rather involved [i:64eb4b2758]Dual Tube Phly[/i:64eb4b2758]...
this is a spin off of my [i:64eb4b2758]Phly Welding[/i:64eb4b2758] technique... I prefer and recommend Bug-Bond Original L.C.A. [light cured acrylic]...
Peeete's [u:64eb4b2758]Welded Wide Body Tunnel Hull Pheather n' Phlash Tube Phly.[/u:64eb4b2758]..
It's best to prep symetrical pheatherz and phlash that will be welded in place on each side...
turn off the fan... don't sneeeze... have 'em ready to go and the welding process will progress more smoothly...
'starting off with the tube and the soft hook holding "junction tube"...
Bug-Bond [and all L.C.A. that I have tested] adheres better when it has some texture to grab on to...
I prefer pearl Bill's Bodi Braid and it serves as the phoundation for the majority of my phlyz...
'phirst pheather welded to the tubular phoundation...
'second pheather with some Crystal Phlash welded in place...
'contrasting phinal pheather welded in place...
'encapsulated 3-D Eyez...
'bottom profile phish eye prospective...
'slight variation of the phinal pheather yields a different coloration or personality...
a heavier or lighter hook will target different layers of the water column...
FYI: Google "[i:64eb4b2758]phly welding[/i:64eb4b2758]" for variations on the technique...
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it... don't take any wooden knickles !!![/b:64eb4b2758] ;)
[b:c3ca9b4e5c]An excellent lesson on tube flies Mr Gray.[/b:c3ca9b4e5c]
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Mr. Nicolson... Thanks for the kind words! So many curious things to explore, there aren't enough hours in the day! Cheeeerz!
Ausgezeichnet !!! Lookin' forward to your keen insight and relevant content... Standing by to stand by...
[b:c6f8578817]HMH puts forth nice tools and noteworthy vises...
and [i:c6f8578817][u:c6f8578817]tubes & accessories[/u:c6f8578817][/i:c6f8578817]...
I added a conehead to shift the CG forward and get deeper faster...
'got a little wreckless with peacock herl to better define the profile...
and extra phlash for enhanced seasoning...[/b:c6f8578817]
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[b:7c396950b8]It was [i:7c396950b8]inevitable[/i:7c396950b8]... The Tying Police phinally caught up to me...
I'm being detained for "[i:7c396950b8]blasphemous tying without thread[/i:7c396950b8]" and "[i:7c396950b8]phly porn[/i:7c396950b8]"...
'Charges pending...
I am now accepting cakes and pies phlavoured with philes and hack saws... [/b:7c396950b8]
[img:7c396950b8]http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa176/Phracas/IMG_0483.jpg[/img:7c39…] :wink: :shock: :shock:
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Great innovation Pete. And some nice welds.
I hope they let you out of jail for good behavior for the upcoming holidays.
It was a pleasure meeting you and watching you welding at the symposium.
Keep up the great work.
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Thanks Charlie...
See you in January @ the Fly Fishing Show... [i:7a62a5c089]'Cirque Du Somerset[/i:7a62a5c089]...
for some more [i:7a62a5c089]Blasphemous Phly Welding[/i:7a62a5c089]...
[b:7a62a5c089]Welded Tubular Downsized...[/b:7a62a5c089]
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[b:5cd71f9803] 'same blasphemous idea... 'different day...
Peeete's [i:5cd71f9803]Wrapped & Welded Tubular Ultra Wide Body Tunnel Hull Cicada Phly[/i:5cd71f9803]...
with a side order of 3-D Eyez served under Bug-Bond...[/b:5cd71f9803]
with a short tubular phuselage, the body gets really WIDE really PHAST...
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[b:1deb70da82]'pheather phree [not countin' the peacock herl] tubular phur n' phlash...
[just to remind myself about material management and how a bobbin actually works]...[/b:1deb70da82]
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'this phuzzie notion fell out'a my head and on to the vise a phew DAZE ago...
[u:97eb590228][i:97eb590228]'Tubular Welded & Tented Wide Body Tunnel Hull Long Tailed Barn Swallow[/i:97eb590228][/u:97eb590228]...[/b]
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[b:60f721f65f]I was playin' around with a phuzzie notion phocused on the upcoming Spring Squid Convention...
'not too shabby...
when I got side-tracked by a tubular quasi Intruder idea...
'nice colors and texture but it didn't work for me...
'experienced a profound revelation moment...
'joined them together and Bada Bing... Bada Boom...
a kind'a Jurassic Squidasarus... or Squiduendo... or ???...
'left some extra tube on the schnozola so that I can still add a cone-head if this makes it all the way to Bishop's Shoal in a few months...
The tubular notion can open up some curious doors...
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An excellent lesson on tube
[b:c3ca9b4e5c]An excellent lesson on tube flies Mr Gray.[/b:c3ca9b4e5c]
Great post!
I'm doing an article on tying BIG flies, and I'll most likely include a couple of your techniques. I'll probably contact you for some details and comments.
Beldar Conehead revisited...
Mr. Nicolson... Thanks for the kind words! So many curious things to explore, there aren't enough hours in the day! Cheeeerz!
Ausgezeichnet !!! Lookin' forward to your keen insight and relevant content... Standing by to stand by...
[b:c6f8578817]HMH puts forth nice tools and noteworthy vises...
and [i:c6f8578817][u:c6f8578817]tubes & accessories[/u:c6f8578817][/i:c6f8578817]...
I added a conehead to shift the CG forward and get deeper faster...
'got a little wreckless with peacock herl to better define the profile...
and extra phlash for enhanced seasoning...[/b:c6f8578817]
Phly Welding...
[b:7c396950b8]It was [i:7c396950b8]inevitable[/i:7c396950b8]... The Tying Police phinally caught up to me...
I'm being detained for "[i:7c396950b8]blasphemous tying without thread[/i:7c396950b8]" and "[i:7c396950b8]phly porn[/i:7c396950b8]"...
'Charges pending...
I am now accepting cakes and pies phlavoured with philes and hack saws... [/b:7c396950b8]
[img:7c396950b8]http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa176/Phracas/IMG_0483.jpg[/img:7c39…] :wink: :shock: :shock:
i bake a saw into your cake
i bake a saw into your cake 8)
Great innovation Pete. And
Great innovation Pete. And some nice welds.
I hope they let you out of jail for good behavior for the upcoming holidays.
It was a pleasure meeting you and watching you welding at the symposium.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks Charlie...
See you in January @ the Fly Fishing Show... [i:7a62a5c089]'Cirque Du Somerset[/i:7a62a5c089]...
for some more [i:7a62a5c089]Blasphemous Phly Welding[/i:7a62a5c089]...
[b:7a62a5c089]Welded Tubular Downsized...[/b:7a62a5c089]
Tubular Phly Welding...
[b:5cd71f9803] 'same blasphemous idea... 'different day...
Peeete's [i:5cd71f9803]Wrapped & Welded Tubular Ultra Wide Body Tunnel Hull Cicada Phly[/i:5cd71f9803]...
with a side order of 3-D Eyez served under Bug-Bond...[/b:5cd71f9803]
with a short tubular phuselage, the body gets really WIDE really PHAST...
Quasi Intruderesque...
[b:1deb70da82]'pheather phree [not countin' the peacock herl] tubular phur n' phlash...
[just to remind myself about material management and how a bobbin actually works]...[/b:1deb70da82]
You're a phriggin' factory!
Amazing flies as always.
Thanks for posting.
'tubular phly welding......
'this phuzzie notion fell out'a my head and on to the vise a phew DAZE ago...
[u:97eb590228][i:97eb590228]'Tubular Welded & Tented Wide Body Tunnel Hull Long Tailed Barn Swallow[/i:97eb590228][/u:97eb590228]...[/b]
\\\'another phlight of phancy...
[b:60f721f65f]I was playin' around with a phuzzie notion phocused on the upcoming Spring Squid Convention...
'not too shabby...
when I got side-tracked by a tubular quasi Intruder idea...
'nice colors and texture but it didn't work for me...
'experienced a profound revelation moment...
'joined them together and Bada Bing... Bada Boom...
a kind'a Jurassic Squidasarus... or Squiduendo... or ???...
'left some extra tube on the schnozola so that I can still add a cone-head if this makes it all the way to Bishop's Shoal in a few months...
The tubular notion can open up some curious doors...