A super simple and inexpensive home made tool to hold hackle and other materials while tying.
UK fly tyer Alan Bithell saw our article on the Green Machine and noticed the small tool that the tyer Ken Bonde Larsen used to hold the hackle, a so called hackle guard.
Alan dropped me a mail:
As I tie this fly from time to time I have a "tool" that does the same job, however I bet it only costs a fraction of what that one does. I'll attach a couple of photos of it and how I use it. It occurred to me that it might make a short "Fly Tying Tip" article for you if you would like to put it up on your site.
The tool is made from very simple materials: a rubber band and a small piece of tube or a thin straw. A piece of fly-tying tube can do the job. Apart from that a small piece of monofilament will make the preparation of the tool easier.
Making the rubber band tool
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Great Idea!
Great Idea!
Google the
Google the word hackle guard and there should be plenty.
so where can i locat
so where can i locate/get one of the commercial tools?