Bright, colorful and visible. A perfect fly for slow fish in cold or murky water. It earned its name because the creator hooked his own nose with it on its maiden voyage! Seatrout like it, but other trout will too.
Henrik Leth is an institution in Danish coastal fly-fishing and has been very active in the community for as long as I remember. He has of course originated several seatrout patterns, but the Pinky Pain surfaces ever so often when the talk falls on his flies.
This pattern
is mentioned in Thomas Vinge's excellent books on Danish seatrout flies, but Henrik also mentions it several times on his own Danish web page. The fly has changed a bit over the years, and Henrik's current version has a hot glue body where the original had a tinsel body. The body color also varies a bit from smooth silver tinsel to gold braid - and the hot glue version, which has some sparkle mixed into the glue.
The name
does actually make sense when you hear Henrik's story from its maiden voyage. On this particularly windy day, the bright fly wound up penetrating his nose!
There's nothing
new about the basic fly, which is a bright, hair winged streamer, but it has proven its worth during many years in the Danish ocean.
On this particularly windy day, the bright fly wound up penetrating his nose!
Tying instructions
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This pat
This pattern is from long time before there were any UV resins available, and it wasn't an option. There was basically epoxy and hot glue, and hot glue isn't bad to work with, sets quickly and doesn't sag nearly as much as epoxy. And you can get sticks with color and/or flash in them.
I used resin for this one and I'm sure Henrik does the same nowadays.
I'm keen to know why
I'm keen to know why he went over to hot glue for the body. Tying a couple for yourself is fine but hot glue isn't the easiest to use and dry without sagging. Did the UV resin prove to be too fragile?
This is a great stee
This is a great steelhead fly,I fish northeast ohio for steelhead,This is the top color for steelhead here,Thanks for showing this fly.
Think this one gonna
Think this one gonna work at icelandic sea-charr :)