Eyes as large as tea cups on your flies? And still lightweight and not smashed down by loads of goo on the head? Yes, it's possible! Follow Pete Gray's instructions and your squids and baitfish will be gazing with larger eyes than ever before!
So... There I wuzz... again...
Not very happy spending time and effort building up a nice plump profile and then mashing it down with a glob of goop to secure some prominent 3D eyez...
My limited but eager engineering background steps in and I start experimenting with likely "solutions"...
After a few false starts I hit upon a fairly effective notion... Phloating Eyez...
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut soonerorlater...
Initial efforts involved epoxy... worked just fine... smelled like old socks...
I've evolved into the UV Free Acrylic Zone... Tuffleye FLEX secures my 3D Eyez to a "V" crimped piece of 40-50# mono...
Here are a few early cephalopod insinuations that involved eyez on a stick[s]... [notice the aesthetically pleasing yellow epoxy rendition...]
A single "popsicle" stick had a propensity to come undone under duress... The "V" twin-stem held up much better and allowed a more robust anchor and triangulated "positioning"...
The Eyez were held fast and did not involve any smothering goop... NO mashed material... Less filling! Tastes GREAT!
Tie it!
Any proper hook will do...
A more robust hook adds weight and finds a deeper place in the water column...
A bit of buck tail lays the foundation for follow on hackles...
'Some longer Cree coloured [or whatever you prefer] hackles with some of that "pesky" marabou fluff left intact to add body profile... and some Crystal Flash to encourage subtle highlights...
'More hackles with fluff to continue expanding the profile... in this case, a lighter neutral colour because it seemed like the right thing to do...
Some sparse buck tail to help control the hackles... then to the GOOD part...
Secure the "Phloating Eyez" with a few wraps and finalize the position [one side at a time] with determined thread application...
I suppose a bit of super glue would bomb proof the arrangement...
'Start building up the mantle with sparse buck tail...
It's beginning to look like a proper critter... with an attitude!
'Starting to throw in some sparse contrasting complimentary colours, just because...
...and running out of room... the end is near!
I finished off the head with some optional mega Moose Mane and used some UV Free Tuffleye FLEX to hold the fibers at the desired flair and finish off the head...
A Cephalopod-a-Saurus with an attitude...
The Phloating Eyez are held fast, hovering over the material and contributing to the overall 3D effect...
Same idea... Different critter...
Pheatherz Phur n' Phlash...
A sparse over coat of a curious yak hair and flash material called "Devil 'n Blend" that I get from the Bear's Den in Taunton, Ma... good stuff if you like synthetic hybrids...
'Some lemon flavoured Devil'n Blend on the back and more pearl on the belly...
'Phloating Eyes soundly secured and some bunker brown Blend on the back to enhance the illusion...
Tuffleye FLEX to complete the head... Just add water and present to the Phocus Group...
I've also been playing around with my SquidZilla and added a some accoustics...
Tuffleye and mono and rattles... oh my!
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G'day Ron... How'z t
G'day Ron... How'z things up there in phrozen Maineiac Land?!
Thanks for the kind words... The eyez notion solved several challenges and continues to serve me well... I love when a plan comes together!
Regarding "UV glue"... I've thoroughly tested the Tuffleye, CCG, and Bug-Bond...
I've also used the Loon Knot Sense and Wader Patch and they perform nicely but I haven't tried Loon at the tying station...
Tuffleye FLEX and Bug-Bond hold a highly praised and special place on my list of cutting edge innovative tying tools...
I've used the last of my CCG and won't be returning for any more.
Haven't used epoxy in ages and don't miss is at all... not even a little bit... the Acrylic evolution is amazing!
Take care and stay warm...
Regardz, Pete on the PharSide of the canal
Very fishy looking P
Very fishy looking Pete, good job! and thank you for the tips on making eyes. Have you tried the LOON brand of UV glue?