Remember the line from "The Graduate"? "PLASTICS!" The hook was dressed with thread and body braid... fine makings for a proper foundation were in place... Temperamental pheatherz were spot welded in place without complaint nor defiance...
So... There I wuzz...
Some interesting Whiting Capes and a phuzzie notion rattling around in my head...
There was the anticlimactic and annoying "roll" when the thread was cinched down... the quill shafts had other ideas and were not cooperating... The pheatherz were winning... again...
After pondering several theoretical solutions and finally sleeping on it... My vise began calling to me... the answer was at hand...
Remember that infamous line from "The Graduate"?! "PLASTICS!"
The hook was dressed with thread and body braid... 'fine makings for a proper foundation were in place...
Temperamental pheatherz were spot welded in place without complaint nor defiance...
My choice was and is Tuffleye Flex... I like the results and I do not have to expose myself to any potentially hazardous UV light during the curing process...
Acrylics were around in the dental industry back in the 70's... UV proved to be a serious concern and was removed, yielding to the modern UV-free acrylic materials...
Not surprising, the Tuffleye concept and product stems from a dentist in Texas... Dr. Lunt is absolutely concerned with consumer safety and product effectiveness...
But I digress...
JC eyez for insightful character and contrasting subtle but effective horizontal shoulders securely welded in place...
This semi thread-less insinuation swims nicely... is as durable as the pheatherz would allow... and was resoundingly popular with a local toothy test phocus group...
Unfortunately, the 4 R&D phlyz in my kit were abducted by disrespectful rowdy blue phish and the research was temporarily terminated...
But I'll be back!
Pete has a whole lot of entries in our forum showing even more welded patterns.
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So which method work
So which method works best? TIG, MIG or Oxyacetylene?
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Cheers Magnus
Mr. Gray,
Your fl
Mr. Gray,
Your fly tying (fly glueing?) skills are a joy to behold! And the great photos really show the quality workmanship. Very nice, indeed.
And that outdoor fly tying chair looks familiar... I think the prototype is in a cat house in Olongapo City. :-)
I believe
I believe the pheatherz in question would be from a Whiting Bronze Coq De Leon Rooster Saddle Medium Pardo...
Dark Pardo is nice and buggy as well but a bit darker [go phigure?!]... The Whiting American Rooster Cape Cree is another winner as is the Whiting Flatwing Fly Saddle Bronze Grizzly/Tan...
Ron McKusick at feathersideflies dot com [Corinna, Maine, USA] has been a trusted source... I'm a repeat offender and I've yet to be disappointed!
bearsden, whitewaterflies, and feathersideflies are all at the centre of my phly tying universe!!!
'Send an international howdy and wassup' to Scott, Greg, and Ron... they pheed my pashion!
Regarding das J-Vise
Regarding das J-Vise... I'm Pete and I have a vise vice... I'm a vise-a-holic... My collection of hook-holding "sculptures" is wonderfully embarrassing and nothing short of functionally obsessive and I have NO regrets...
J-Vise is, without a doubt, my absolute favourite... that's my story and I'm stickin' to it !!!
I've made it a point
I've made it a point to try the Big Three... Tuffleye, CCG, and Bug-Bond... These light cured acrylics are AMAZING!
My attachment to TF FLEX is solid and goes way back but... I must say that the BUG-BOND alternative is nothing short of BRILLIANT...
The BB delivery system [to include the tip kit] is second to none... when my CCG supply is gone, it will NOT be replenished...
David Edwards has broken the code, hit a HOME RUN, and wins the UV challenge HANDS DOWN!
Here in the "colonies" it's available from the Bear's Den AND Whitewaterflies...
I'm a bit ripe to be this breathless! Suffice it to say... JUST DO IT!
Really nice flies, o
Really nice flies, or phlys or whatever. Now I really have to invest in some UV-glue... Say, what kind of beautiful speckled olive feathers are you using?
Cheers! /Magnus
Pete- looks like goo
Pete- looks like good therapy!! I think you need to make a Lucy and Dingo version!!
Lovely flies.
Lovely flies.
Lovely vise.
I also have a J-Vise, probably the best vise. Or for me at least. :)