Hi, unfortunately I missed GFF summit this year. Have you been satisfied with your catches? what was the biggest fish and what was the most successful fly? I'll be on Fyn next week, so your info would be really appreciated. Thanks a lot and I will let you know about my fishing.
GFF summit is over. How was it?
The forums are very quiet
The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.
Well, I know my views will be the scratch on a surface yet to form, but the GFF summit was incredible.
In total we estimate about 70+ sea trout taken between Friday and Sunday. About 30 to be averaging 55cm. The largest fish, 6 in all, were topping 65cm+
You'll have to wait for the pictures. Martin is compiling an article you'll be pulling your hair out at - especially for those that didn't attend!
The GFF summit was a truly unique event complimented by good sea trout weather, surroundings, sea trout and more over...a bunch of guys that fished hard and were rewarded the fruits of the Danish salt. Friendships were formed and a new cult is underway...GFF summit has been born.
Next year the GFF summit 2007 location is being held somewhere exclusive. More later.
In the meantime you'll have to wait for the articles, pictures, stories and guys that made a weekend to remember...and (unfortunately) the next GFF summit 2007.
I'd love to post a picture but.......Wait and see.
It just canôt have been
It just can't have been better, event though I failed completely on Saturday. Fortunately, friday and sunday gave 3 seatrouts and some baby garfish. A very nice bunch of people, good weather and food. :D
GFF summit
Thanks guys,
I am looking forward to some summarizing article. We will arrive to Fyn on Thursday, so it is a pity we will come a little bit later.
Thanks for good news
Tight lines
check your emails boxes, I have just filled them up with some photos! :D [/img]
Excellent Weekend!
What a excellent weekened ! Great company and of course great fishing. I caught lots of seatrout over the 3 days with my largest being 65cm. You will have to wait for the picture until martin submits the photos and articles on the weekend.
I wish to thank Martin for organising this great weekend and getting us fluff chuckers together. :D
Hi to all i met at tthe GFF Summit. I am going to fish on fyn tomorrow ( Wednesday) anyone want to join me?
Any mullet caught?
To ALL: Did you catch any other fish except sea trout? Mullet, cod, garfish?
What was you succesfull fly?
Thanks a lot
All people participating in the first GFF Summit,
Thanks for making this a great event! I had a great time meeting anf fishing with all of you, and it was my impression that you all enjoyed the arrangement.
We had great success with the fishing - not least thanks to Ripley's guiding and his and Steve's "test fishing" Friday (never again will we allow them a jump start!)
Expect this to be an anually recurring event and make sure that you mentally book a few days next year. We have not set anything firm yet regarding time and place, but I will announce something ASAP.
I am currently working my way through tonnes of pictures, and if any of the participants have any they want to share, please send them to me attached to an email (preferably the original or in a good quality).
I will compile an article as soon as I get the time and let you all sneak preview it before it goes online.
Here's the merry gang BTW:
Asger (hovering), Frank, Jari, Henrik, Jesper, Hans Jacob, Kai, Paul, Steve, Ripley, Branislav, Atli, Kasper, Henning, Nan, Les, Martin
Favourable Fly
special thanks to Martin, Ripley and all the others, who make this summit real great!
What do you call it, when having 17 flyfisher on a row at the same coastline, with great fun for all and no stress?
The spirit of the GFF-summit 2006!!!
I couldn't imagine, staying at the shore of the Baltic Sea with so many people at the same time. But we all became good friends and one's for sure; I'll try to join in the next summit as the first one.
For "pike" I add a picture of my favourable fly. It's my autumn winner in hook size from 10 to 4.
I present it direct under the surface and fish it with short strips. Because of the volume of the fly, it is sinking very slow.
Hey Kai,
You shouldn't tell!
I know that pattern works and I saw the fish you took with it. It's a winner for sure.
I look forward to meeting up with you again in October.
Regards Kai and many thanks for the kind words.
Hallo Ripley,
Hallo Ripley,
I hope everything is well at home?!
At first special thanks to you again for the perfect guiding. You have done a very proper job.
At second, you are absolutely right, but I can tell you, I have another box of really strange flies (perhaps you've never seen before).
Unfortunately Kasper and Henning have managed to take some pictures of the box with these flies. So the secret is no longer a really one.
At least, Iââ¬â¢ll call you at the beginning of October and hope we can figure out some conspiratorial meetings.
8) Hi Kai
8) Hi Kai
YES i have the picture of your secret flies.
If you send me some money i will not show the pic.
Thanks for a very nice summit.
I have known you as a really honestly and kindly man.
But now Iââ¬â¢m not longer so sure.
By trying to create a shooting head, my arms and legs are totally in tangle with the shooting line youââ¬â¢ve given me. My face and arms are covered with the Mucilin.
I should have been much more cautious by reading the name of the spool ââ¬ÅAmnesiaââ¬Â!
By the way, what's the address I should send the money?
Thanks for all and hope we stay in contact!
Hi All,
Hi All,
I bet we can talk about GFF Summit '06 for a long time. Did i mention that ÃÂ had a great day on the Friday at the summit? :P .
Kai when you come back to DK contact me and we can hit the coast again.
Shooting head? hmmm :lol:
Dodgy Geezer
Hey Kai,
I heard that Henning is a dodgy geezer ( :lol: ) and should not be trusted ( :lol: ).
Unless he gets out the whisky. Then he's great :D But he never does... :shock:
He has the pictures of your flies. Watch out in next months issue of "Fly Tyer" ( :? ).
Sea trout are still coming in. Should I save one for you?
I look forward to October.
At least, I’ll call you at
[quote:618f80ea6e="Kai Nolting"]
At least, I'll call you at the beginning of October and hope we can figure out some conspiratorial meetings.[/quote:618f80ea6e]
well, well, well.... there is something fishy going on... and of course vanuz is not aware of anything... that's my treat for all those pics I sent to you...were they so bad? :twisted:
As Ripley and Kai are having an affair.. :oops: . Do you fancy a bit of fishing? Fyn? October? :)
Your pictures were great...
[quote:ddc04adfef="Stephen Wade"]Vanuz,
As Ripley and Kai are having an affair.. :oops: . Do you fancy a bit of fishing? Fyn? October? :)
Your pictures were great...
.... just kidding, enojoy it guys! Kai, should you pass through CPH, pop in for a cup of "coffe".
Hey Vanuz,
I never received any photographs...
Could you re-send them to me?
There is something fishy going on and I am doing it :lol:
There is plenty more fish in the sea... :wink:
Standby for a another weekend saga...
Steve - Sea trout are not just on Fyn! :shock:
You poaching in my water? :wink:
Many thanks.
Steve - Sea trout are not
[quote:56ff648cc0]Steve - Sea trout are not just on Fyn!
You poaching in my water? [/quote:56ff648cc0]
Are they not? oh i did not know that fyn belonged to you. Your sign must have blown down in the wind !! :lol: I will try and find the sign next time i am poaching !!! :roll:
No comment.
Re: Vanuz
[quote:4cc9b217cb="DistantStreams"]Hey Vanuz,
I never received any photographs...
Could you re-send them to me?
...sure you didnôt, you have not told me where the cage was hidden! :evil:
Hi again,
Hi again,
Steve I'll be on Fyn (Hindsholm) from October 07th till 14th with three friends of mine - all nice guys.
On Sunday we'll go by boot, in order to catch some cods. Sometimes something in the pan is not so bad. But the other days, please fell free to join in.
I'll send you my phone number via Email, so we can phone us together.
Perhaps it is going to be a After-GGFsummit 2006-Flyfishing-Event. One never know?!
So long
Yes i could join up with you guys if i'm free. Email me your number.
1 week after summit...
Just to let you know. Although the wind has stopped...The sea trout are still taking advantage of the conditions.
This beauty 58cm took me into backing and held a fight for 10 minutes.
1 week after the GFF summit the sea trout have moved into the neighbouring fjord / bay.
Wedellsborg is dead. :cry:
But we have found them. :D
It's just a matter of time before they enter the streams.
GFF Summit
To all the GFF Summit people,
Our thanks to all of you guys for your company, help and friendship over the week-end. Special thanks to Martin for setting it all up, to Kie for the fly that worked the magic, to Kasper for loads of flies and advice (I'll try those flies on the bass next week) to Ripley for getting me to the first fish.... and to Henning who is cuddling Nan on the photo!!
If you are going to do this all again next year, then we are hoping to be part of it.
Regards from sunny Devon,
Les and Nan Austin
First fish
Hi Les,
I did nothing. You caught the fish, not me... :shock:
It might be your first Danish sea trout but mark my words...It's not the last.
I will put you right over my personal stocked cage next time and place three divers bearing sea trout in the water in front of you.
I look forward to seeing you both next year, maybe, hopefully sooner?
Regards to sunny Devon, a county I know well from my young soldier days, and best regards to your wife.
Later Les.
P.S...Kai's fly was magic. If it's not named then I think the ideal name would be "Paul Daniels"...Your gonna like it, but not a lot :D :D
Hi Les,
Hi Les,
I hope all is well with you and Nan. If you are ever in Denmark just give me a call. Fishing here is still good at my new secret section of fyn. Well i better pack my fishing gear in the car and get some sleep. I'm returning to my secret location tomorrow.
All the best
Hi Guys!
Hi Guys!
Now I've found what was keeping me out of the forum, you'll be plagued with me at every verse-end!
Steve, you are a lucky so-and-so, being able to fish Fyn so much. Tight Lines tomorrow, catch one for me. I will have to wait for Thursday to go bass-fishing, by then we have rain forecast... so it might be fly-tying instead, but I'll get to the coast if its anything like good enough. I want to see what I can do with a #5 rod and shooting head, plus a few small flies - I've been tying them up tonight.
Kai, sorry for misspelling your name previously. Tell me, did you get offered the job you were going for? Do you want it? Tell the news, as Nan is dying to know!
Ripley, you're a gem, son!
Wow! I have been telling anyone who would listen in Church this morning all about you fellas and the fun we had with you in Denmark. It'll seem a long time to wait till next year for another trip.
Regards to all,
Fishing on Fyn
I returned from Fyn yeasterday. The weather was great for us but no so good for fish. Sky without any clouds, temperature about 25 degrees celsius. We went fishing especially in the morning and in the evening. Quite good number of small garfish were everywhere.
Our group of 8 fishermen caught approx 40 fish with 5 over 50cm and one over 55cm.