Just a few days ago we ventured on our first spring trip. Yes, this is mid-March, and we usually fish much earlier than that, but cold winter weather and ice covered water has kept us from the coast until now. I spotted this particular day in the weather forecast a week in advance. It begged for a fishing trip!
Just a few days ago we ventured on our first spring trip. Yes, this is late March, and we usually start spring fishing much earlier than that, but cold winter weather and ice covered water has kept us from the coast until now.
I spotted
this particular day in the weather forecast a week in advance. Southern wind, mild weather, temperatures in the 12-15 degrees Centigrade range and sun! It begged for a fishing trip!
I made arrangements with some fishing friends and eventually four of us decided on going together.
As we approached the day the predictions just got better and better. On the evening before our trip the promise was up to 18 degrees Centigrade on coasts with off shore winds! What a change from frost and ice. And the wind would turn into the southeastern corner, meaning perfect casting wind on most of our favorite spots.
One problem
about the first spring day is packing.
Normally I have my coastal gear almost rigged up and ready, and my waders, boots, jacket, cap and all other gear is packed after having dried from the last trip. I have the reels prepared with the lines I use on almost every trip and all my fly supply verges on reasonable and decent. On most first trips of the year, I use whatever is left from the previous season, which mostly means flies that I 1) didn't use because I don't like them or 2) are too rusty and worn down to be any use or 3) both of the above.
So the night before my first trip I scoot around like a fly in a bottle and try to locate my gear. And I know that once I sit in the car the next morning a serious doubt will gnaw in me whether I have all I need or not.
The morning
of the day was beautiful. Clear sky, beautiful sunrise and definitely the feeling of spring in the air. Per, one of my companions, called from the parking lot close to the water and was very cheerful and happy. He lives closer to the water, and arrived early. The rest of us – Henning, Uffe and myself – were enjoying the first cup of coffee and a piece of Danish in the car while we were making our way across the island to one of our favorite spots on the west coast.
As we arrived and joined forces with Per, we realized that we had really chosen a perfect day. The temperature was perfect for the time of year. The water was perfect, clear with a bit of debris and with nice medium size waves to break the surface. On top of that the wind was perfect, coming from the rear left side and strong enough to aide the cast, but weak enough not to ruin it.
The essence of a perfect spring day!
Per had caught a small fish before we arrived, and before the day was over we had seen and caught several fish. I released a kelt in the 55 centimeter or 22 inch range and Per caught and kept the most fabulous silver fish measuring 65 centimeters or a hefty 26 inches. He also lost a smaller fish, and Uffe saw a large fish in the shallow water while fishing along.
Now, four fish caught/lost/seen is not impressing, but considering the time of year and the very low water temperature, it's more than decent.
And did I mention
the weather? Well, I might have. Stunningly beautiful, perfect for a nap on the beach and much better than anybody could have hoped.
This is not the first seasonal gallery I have made. There's also pictures from 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006... and one where I was waiting for the spring.
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Hey Martin and Henni
Hey Martin and Henning, good to read you're still fishing our beloved west coast, and with succes!
Hope to see you in september again, would love to spend some time fishing with you guys.
Richard, Holland
I'm glad to see ther
I'm glad to see there were some fish taken! By the looks of the second grouping of pictures, there was plenty of resting going on!
Very nice. Thanks fo
Very nice. Thanks for writing about your trip. Looks like you had some good times. Fish on my friends.
Thanks for the instr
Thanks for the instructions on Per's fly. I am going to Fyn the first week of May and hope to catch some seatrout.
Depending on which fly - my pink monster or the one that caught Per's fish?
Mine is still in the experimental phase, and not online anywhere - that might come.
Per's fly is the Fluff, which is described here.
Tying instructions f
Tying instructions for the fly :D
Very nice fish, we w
Very nice fish, we were not lucky that much, nevertheless, we kicked it off on the Danish coast successfuly too.
Hey, Folks, it seems
Hey, Folks, it seems that this was a nice trip. Congrats & Cheers, Frank
It was really a grea
It was really a great trip, and I enjoyed every minute of it. May there be many more days like this in the future... :-)
nice fly
nice fly
great way to start the season!