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Martin -

Turkey, Greece, fly fishing?

The forums are very quiet

The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.

Do you have any informtion about fly fishing in Turkey or Greece? Ive read book written by Joe Prosek and I saw there a plenty of trout spieces in these countries. Iam very interesting to visit them with my fly rod. So do you know anythink about it?

Hello Dada, I`m from Turkey and living in Norway now. :)
There is a lot of beautiful places in Turkey for FlyFishing. An example Blacksea Coasts (Karadeniz) you can catch Seatrouts. In West Turkey Aegean Sea; between Bodrum and Selcuk there is big rivers for trouts.
My Favorit place is the "Abant Lake" between Bolu and Düzce called 7 Rivers-Trouts-Paradise !
Here, I found a page for you, A to Z Fish types of saltwater and freshwater in Turkey.

Hei Wiggy :D I`m from Stavanger. You from Mandal? very nice place!
If you are here or near Stavanger you can call me and we can go to the seatrouts :idea:

Tight Lines

Yeah, sounds like a good plan.

And if you're down this way, drop me a line and I can guide you to the big one's :lol:

So have you had any big ones recently. I've had loads of 500g and the biggest around 1.3kg. There was a 3kg sea trout caught about an hour after I had fished the same place, typical!

When I posted this topic, I was just hoping that Ill find somebody who has beeen there or who is from there!!!! Thanks you very much, Feridun!!!! Could you tell me more? Or send some pictures? Bacause Iam any information will be great! Or you ll go with us :lol: ! So could you tell me more about Abant lake??Is there safe? How far is it from Antalia or Ankara? Thank you so much!!
Best regards Dalibor

@Ostsee-Silber: YEAH ! Kvitsøyfjorden is my Favorit Place LOL!!! and Kvernevik :D

@Dada: ABANT is near City "BOLU" is far 100 km from Ankara. Antalya between Ankara 300 km. I can give you more informations, you need only a #7/8 class Rod and you can catch every fish in Turkey. There is sooo many places :)
What kind of fishes are u interrested? tell me so i can give you more details and direction :idea:

Hello dear Feridun,
Iam very interesting in trouts and pike or perch, zander whatever. But mostly trouts, do u mean that Ill find them there. iam gonna check the position of locality you wrote on google and Ill see...What you mean about the best time of season, when Ill go there? We are planning during summer but iam little bit afraid about watter. what you mean?And another question what about safeties there?Thanks D.

Dear Dada, you can look in Google-Earth
Summer Time and all saisons works very well ! But take all your FlyFishing equipment with you, its too expensive there :)

Latitude: 40° 1'9.14"N
Longtitude: 31° 38'35.87"E

Off course there is SAFE ! You are not in Iraq :D There is no different between where you live now and Turkey :)


Feridun, I did what you recommend, it looks like very interesting, but very big and Iam a little bit nervous... What is it? Lake or dam? How is it looks like with roads around? What fish Ill expect in lake and in rivers? I know that Ive still a lot of questions but thats me and I very appreciate any informations form you!!! You are welcome in Prague :lol:

[quote="Dada"]When I posted this topic, I was just hoping that Ill find somebody who has beeen there or who is from there!!!! Thanks you very much, Feridun!!!! Could you tell me more? Or send some pictures? Bacause Iam any information will be great! Or you ll go with us :lol: ! So could you tell me more about Abant lake??Is there safe? How far is it from Antalia or Ankara? Thank you so much!!
Best regards Dalibor[/quote]


I believe I can help you out with your inquiries regarding trouts of Turkey. I am residing in Turkey and have fished trout in most parts. Feridun has actually guýded you to one of the popular areas of Turkey; the Abant lake. Its an alpine natural lake located north western part which actually Prosek mentiones in its book. Its an endemic one ( only found in this lake ) and grows to sizes up to 60-70 cm, only one of many beutiful trouts found in Turkey. You can actually make better use of the Prosek s book regarding trouts
of Turkey, which I d highly advise if youd like to learn more about them.

By the way, please keep in mind that there arent any extraordinary safety problems in Turkey. There are only localized security problems in the south east from time to time similiar to those that occurred in Spain and Ýreland in the past. So be confident in that matter.

May you have any further questions, I ll do my best to answer them


Iam still thinkink abaut Turkey, but I am still not to sure..... Ive read a few pages in Proseks book and thats why Ive intereset to visit Turkey like a fly fisher... :lol: When is the best time of season in Turkey? Iam a little bit scared about summer, bacause of low watter....

[quote:e77ec6a0b5="Dada"]Iam still thinkink abaut Turkey, but I am still not to sure..... Ive read a few pages in Proseks book and thats why Ive intereset to visit Turkey like a fly fisher... :lol: When is the best time of season in Turkey? Iam a little bit scared about summer, bacause of low watter....[/quote:e77ec6a0b5]


The season is crucial depending on the region and stream where you intend to fish. Best to fish in north west in small streams when the snow melting slows down till the time the snow doesnt effect the stream flow. - April /June . The meditteranean streams during June - October( The fishing season for trout in Turkey is between 1 April - 1 October ) . And for the Eastern Black sea ( North ) region, its best to fish during August to October.

Hope this will suffice


Hey Burkala,

I hope to go to Turkey, Antalya in the middle of October this year. Is it not legal to fish trout in the period after October 1? And if it's legal, do you know where it's good to fish in the area?

Thanks, and kind regards


[quote:8377c47a52="ASO"]Hey Burkala,

I hope to go to Turkey, Antalya in the middle of October this year. Is it not legal to fish trout in the period after October 1? And if it's legal, do you know where it's good to fish in the area?

Thanks, and kind regards


Dear Asger,

Unfortunately the trout season in Turkey ends after 1 of October. I'd advise you to arrange your vacation to an earlier date because there are very nice locations where you can fish trout in Antalya. By the way, foreigners in Turkey need to attain a permit to fish in Turkey. Altough there are'nt much strict control, its appropriate to attain one may you face a official person. As for the locations, a can advise you the upper reaches of Dim and Manavgat streams. They are all turqouise streams where you can find lots of rainbow trouts.( all fugutives of fish farms ) But ýf you want to fish natural browns, you need to contact the locals or fishing companys, or I may be of help if I can arrange some spare time. You can contact me in person and I'll do my best when the time comes



Seeing that you are living in South Norway have you ever fished in Egersund. Any thoughts?


Submitted by Bowen Williams on


Hi Feridun, I don't know if you check this site anymore of if you are still around. I am coming to Turkey in one week to try to find some good fly fishing. There is not much information on the internet, so your post above is the only piece of hope I have. I'm from a small mountain town in the west of the US called Sun Valley, and I love fly fishing. Please let me know if you can help. My email is Thank you!

Submitted by Tim on


Any update here. Looking to fish anywhere I can. Will be bringing a 5 and 8wt.

Submitted by Tom on


I have just moved to Istanbul and am also keen to find some fly fishing - on rivers or streams ideally, but a lake would be enough to keep me happy. I’ve a car so could go anywhere within about 4-5 hours of Istanbul. Or further afield, I’m happy to fly. If anyone has any suggestions for locations, or who wants to buddy up, do please drop me a line: Thanks!

Hello Dada, I`m from Turkey and living in Norway now. :)
There is a lot of beautiful places in Turkey for FlyFishing. An example Blacksea Coasts (Karadeniz) you can catch Seatrouts. In West Turkey Aegean Sea; between Bodrum and Selcuk there is big rivers for trouts.
My Favorit place is the "Abant Lake" between Bolu and Düzce called 7 Rivers-Trouts-Paradise !
Here, I found a page for you, A to Z Fish types of saltwater and freshwater in Turkey.

Hei Wiggy :D I`m from Stavanger. You from Mandal? very nice place!
If you are here or near Stavanger you can call me and we can go to the seatrouts :idea:

Tight Lines

Yeah, sounds like a good plan.

And if you're down this way, drop me a line and I can guide you to the big one's :lol:

So have you had any big ones recently. I've had loads of 500g and the biggest around 1.3kg. There was a 3kg sea trout caught about an hour after I had fished the same place, typical!

When I posted this topic, I was just hoping that Ill find somebody who has beeen there or who is from there!!!! Thanks you very much, Feridun!!!! Could you tell me more? Or send some pictures? Bacause Iam any information will be great! Or you ll go with us :lol: ! So could you tell me more about Abant lake??Is there safe? How far is it from Antalia or Ankara? Thank you so much!!
Best regards Dalibor

@Ostsee-Silber: YEAH ! Kvitsøyfjorden is my Favorit Place LOL!!! and Kvernevik :D

@Dada: ABANT is near City "BOLU" is far 100 km from Ankara. Antalya between Ankara 300 km. I can give you more informations, you need only a #7/8 class Rod and you can catch every fish in Turkey. There is sooo many places :)
What kind of fishes are u interrested? tell me so i can give you more details and direction :idea:

Hello dear Feridun,
Iam very interesting in trouts and pike or perch, zander whatever. But mostly trouts, do u mean that Ill find them there. iam gonna check the position of locality you wrote on google and Ill see...What you mean about the best time of season, when Ill go there? We are planning during summer but iam little bit afraid about watter. what you mean?And another question what about safeties there?Thanks D.

Dear Dada, you can look in Google-Earth
Summer Time and all saisons works very well ! But take all your FlyFishing equipment with you, its too expensive there :)

Latitude: 40° 1'9.14"N
Longtitude: 31° 38'35.87"E

Off course there is SAFE ! You are not in Iraq :D There is no different between where you live now and Turkey :)


Feridun, I did what you recommend, it looks like very interesting, but very big and Iam a little bit nervous... What is it? Lake or dam? How is it looks like with roads around? What fish Ill expect in lake and in rivers? I know that Ive still a lot of questions but thats me and I very appreciate any informations form you!!! You are welcome in Prague :lol:

[quote="Dada"]When I posted this topic, I was just hoping that Ill find somebody who has beeen there or who is from there!!!! Thanks you very much, Feridun!!!! Could you tell me more? Or send some pictures? Bacause Iam any information will be great! Or you ll go with us :lol: ! So could you tell me more about Abant lake??Is there safe? How far is it from Antalia or Ankara? Thank you so much!!
Best regards Dalibor[/quote]


I believe I can help you out with your inquiries regarding trouts of Turkey. I am residing in Turkey and have fished trout in most parts. Feridun has actually guýded you to one of the popular areas of Turkey; the Abant lake. Its an alpine natural lake located north western part which actually Prosek mentiones in its book. Its an endemic one ( only found in this lake ) and grows to sizes up to 60-70 cm, only one of many beutiful trouts found in Turkey. You can actually make better use of the Prosek s book regarding trouts
of Turkey, which I d highly advise if youd like to learn more about them.

By the way, please keep in mind that there arent any extraordinary safety problems in Turkey. There are only localized security problems in the south east from time to time similiar to those that occurred in Spain and Ýreland in the past. So be confident in that matter.

May you have any further questions, I ll do my best to answer them


Iam still thinkink abaut Turkey, but I am still not to sure..... Ive read a few pages in Proseks book and thats why Ive intereset to visit Turkey like a fly fisher... :lol: When is the best time of season in Turkey? Iam a little bit scared about summer, bacause of low watter....

[quote:e77ec6a0b5="Dada"]Iam still thinkink abaut Turkey, but I am still not to sure..... Ive read a few pages in Proseks book and thats why Ive intereset to visit Turkey like a fly fisher... :lol: When is the best time of season in Turkey? Iam a little bit scared about summer, bacause of low watter....[/quote:e77ec6a0b5]


The season is crucial depending on the region and stream where you intend to fish. Best to fish in north west in small streams when the snow melting slows down till the time the snow doesnt effect the stream flow. - April /June . The meditteranean streams during June - October( The fishing season for trout in Turkey is between 1 April - 1 October ) . And for the Eastern Black sea ( North ) region, its best to fish during August to October.

Hope this will suffice


Hey Burkala,

I hope to go to Turkey, Antalya in the middle of October this year. Is it not legal to fish trout in the period after October 1? And if it's legal, do you know where it's good to fish in the area?

Thanks, and kind regards


[quote:8377c47a52="ASO"]Hey Burkala,

I hope to go to Turkey, Antalya in the middle of October this year. Is it not legal to fish trout in the period after October 1? And if it's legal, do you know where it's good to fish in the area?

Thanks, and kind regards


Dear Asger,

Unfortunately the trout season in Turkey ends after 1 of October. I'd advise you to arrange your vacation to an earlier date because there are very nice locations where you can fish trout in Antalya. By the way, foreigners in Turkey need to attain a permit to fish in Turkey. Altough there are'nt much strict control, its appropriate to attain one may you face a official person. As for the locations, a can advise you the upper reaches of Dim and Manavgat streams. They are all turqouise streams where you can find lots of rainbow trouts.( all fugutives of fish farms ) But ýf you want to fish natural browns, you need to contact the locals or fishing companys, or I may be of help if I can arrange some spare time. You can contact me in person and I'll do my best when the time comes



Seeing that you are living in South Norway have you ever fished in Egersund. Any thoughts?


Submitted by Bowen Williams on


Hi Feridun, I don't know if you check this site anymore of if you are still around. I am coming to Turkey in one week to try to find some good fly fishing. There is not much information on the internet, so your post above is the only piece of hope I have. I'm from a small mountain town in the west of the US called Sun Valley, and I love fly fishing. Please let me know if you can help. My email is Thank you!

Submitted by Tim on


Any update here. Looking to fish anywhere I can. Will be bringing a 5 and 8wt.

Submitted by Tom on


I have just moved to Istanbul and am also keen to find some fly fishing - on rivers or streams ideally, but a lake would be enough to keep me happy. I’ve a car so could go anywhere within about 4-5 hours of Istanbul. Or further afield, I’m happy to fly. If anyone has any suggestions for locations, or who wants to buddy up, do please drop me a line: Thanks!

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