Published Jun 18. 2007 - 17 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 22. 2015

Salvelino (Spain)

Salvelino (Spain)
Cinco Lagunas (Sierra de Gredos) Spain


Thank you for your c...

Thank you for your comment Clyde, equally that to the rest of the visitors of the page that you/they leave their positive comments of the pictures.
A greeting

This fish is beautif...

This fish is beautiful. The markings on the sides and the contrast on the fins are just beautiful. Thank you for the fine picture of our Lord's wonderful creation.
In His Love, Rev. Clyde E. Pullen

Alan, is a pleasure ...

Alan, is a pleasure to share in this page my fishing experiences and that people like your they can enjoy them. A greeting.

That is one very bea...

That is one very beautiful fish. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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