...just been wondering if you (Martin) have ever considered organizing a GFF fishing trip for a small group of the GFF members. Or maybe just a meeting or so...
It obviously applies to those from Denmark in this case. Speaking for myself, I would like to meet and know some of you and learn anything that can be learnt. :roll:
I have never considered organiszing anything in the name of GFF, but I have certianly been fishing with many of the GFF visitors and friends during the past years -- both in Denmark and abroad.
Sure, it would be a great idea to go ishing together, and since partner Steve has mentioned the possibility that he might come over to Denmark this spring, that might give us a perfect occasion to arrange something.
I'll see what plans I can make and keep you all posted through the site.
Anybody else who could be interested in a joint ishing trip in Denmark? Preferably on the coast of Sjaelland, but not excluding a Jutland or Funen coast or stream.
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That will definitely be worth a try, I am sure the others would appreciate that as well...
I understand you're rather busy person, nevertheless I hope you'll manage to arrange it.
Should you need a hand, just let me know (I can hardly imagine how to help, but anyway... :lol: )
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I think it's a genious idea!
I know there would be a bunch of people from Sweden that's interested in this.
AND it would give Gff a big bunch of article/photo material.
I guess Seatrout fishing would be preferable, after all it think that many with me are interested in the fishing that Martin writes so much about!
best regards
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Hi Vanuz,
great idea.
On the ROFF (rec.outdoors.fishing.fly) newsgroup often so called 'Claves' are organised. I joined 2 of them organized by Roger Ohlund. Bet some of you know him (it's a small ff world). They were held in the very Northern part of Sweden. It took me 4000 km to drive there from Holland! But what a big fun to spent a week with people from Finland, Sweden, France, USA, Australia, sharing the same interest. Only to look at all those different flies in the flyboxes.
Of course the 'meeting' should not necessarily be for a whole week. A weekend would be fine too. I'll leave that up to Martin.
Anyway: if I could, I would certainly join the club.
If any help is needed (I too would not know how, but anyway) let me know.
What I do not ubderstand: over 300 people looked at this post, but not 5 reacted.....??!! :roll:
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Well you can count me in! It would be indeed a great happening and excellent platform to share experiences (for those you can share, of course :) .
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I would like to come too and join the "happening"!
7 and counting... :wink:
See you soon, Michael
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:D Finally it has been kicked off... GFF Partners, have you got anything to say? :D
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[quote:da9ef67128="vanuz"]:D Finally it has been kicked off... GFF Partners, have you got anything to say? :D[/quote:da9ef67128]
Vanus, Guys,
Sure we have!
I will see what I can do regarding a GFF Clave here in Denmark. As far as I remember a clave has to have people from several countries and preferably some from far away (thousands of miles/kilometres), but we will be willing to let anybody in... even locals. Let's dub it the GFF Summit 2006.
Let us start with a small informal vote (I actually think this board has a voting system, but it's not activated)
Let's hear it for three alternatives. All go to the Danish coast somewhere - either Fun or Sjaelland I think. We can decide that later:
1) May - daytime fishing, garfish, sea trout. Probably the best fishing, but also shortest preparation time
2) June - morning and evening plus night. Some daytime fishing. Primarily sea trout. Time to prepare.
3) August/September - fishing possible 24h (almost), sea trout, mullet. More difficult fishing. Even more time to prepare.
I imagine a weekend-long gathering based in a place where we can camp and/or maybe rent a cabin. A fairly low-budget self-catering type of arrangement.
What say yer?
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[quote:e76c3141a2="Martin Joergensen"]
What say yer?[/quote:e76c3141a2]
Option 3.
On the other hand I'm arranging a competition on the 20. of May. It is a schoolprojekt and you can read more about it her: http://www.oddesund-open.dk.
You can catch seatrout and garfish and win prices for about 7.000 DKr. And I'm quite sure, Martin has never fished in this area of Danmark before. :wink: There's a youth hostel and camping not far away.
Not that far away you can fish pike on the fly, if you are interested in that.
See more about the area on this [url=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=copenhagen&daddr=berlin&t=k… map[/url]
Anybody interested? Depending on how many people are coming, 3 or 4 could live at our place. At the school I could ask for the facilties to watch "fishingmovies" or listen to Martins stories.
Otherwise: option 3.
See you soon, Michael
PS: Regarding the "different countries criteria": I'm one of this "førstegenerationsindvandrer" / immigrants, pølsetysker/"sausagegerman". :wink:
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O yes, this is right up my alley, count me in for this winning ticket.
Immigrants? I must be rated somewhere under this title somewhere in mid-section!
GFF conclave sounds an excellent idea and I am to interested in Martins special "dits" and "epic stories".
So as for time of year? Any suits me.
Fyn is a good option. Centrally located.
So, here's my ticket. Count me in Martin.
Phew...was it hot today or was it just me? Can't figure out which!
Ripley "of the yard".
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This sounds like a fun idea. Would love the opportunity to fish in Denmark again and meet up with a few like minded fisher folk.
June or August would suit me best, May- Bonefish, July- Salmon, September- Getting Married. Hmnnn! Cant wait!
Low budget option sounds great. Future Missus busy getting rid of my spare cash!
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For me June or September are good
Low budget / camping perfect
Pike fishing can be fun
I'll be coming from Belgium so 2000 km back & forth and might bring a friend along from Paris and I'll bring some belgian beer! :D
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I say option two beacuse im going doing my 10months long military service starting 31of july. I also think we should take the good thing with july in mind, sitting on a beach, resting, lying about fishes we never caught and drinking beer during the hot summerdays. (ofcourse it will rain)
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> June - September sounds good to me.
> camping - no objection :lol:
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Hi Guys,
option 3 would be best for me.
It does not matter where.
I will bring some Dutch Beer!!
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From the feedback I read here I think that June is our best bet. Sufficiently far into the future to enable planning, a fair chance of stable weather, fairly good fishing options and anough people having been positive to ensure me that something could be worked out.
I will propose a set of dates - a weekend mid to late June - and try to line up something practical regarding camp, cabin and other things.
I will return with more details.
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It sounds good. If I have a time I will come too. But it is difficult to say nowdays.
PS: To be honest, czech beer is the best :D
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I think you'll find it's more of a flower arranging club with visits to the forest now and then to select wild mushrooms.
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[quote:ddb94e8166="Esox"]Sweden has a military?
Bob Abrams[/quote:ddb94e8166]
yepp! They are small and totaly meningless but the swedish army do exist. And apparently im going to, against my will, be a part of it.
anyways, im on if the meeting goes of in june
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Hi guys!
Besides talking about army stuff :wink: , is there anything going for our CLAVE in Funnen? Is there something I can do to help?
Looking forward to hearing from anyone!!!
Tight lines
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Hi Martin,
Count me in and add my name to the list for the GFF get-together.
If anyone needs help with anything they can contact me.
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Hi Martin,
Count me in... Be great to meet up with all of you again.
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Just in case anybody has an email alert set up for this thread:
The GFF Summit is happening!
Check out [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/about/summit2006/]the announcement and sign in in this GFF article[/url].
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Okay, I will be driving from Helsingør (Elsinore) to the GFF get-together in my car. I will be happy to pick anybody up on the way to Fyn. A possible pick-up spot could be TÃÂ¥strup and Ringsted train stations. 3 persons is maximum.
Let me know if anybody is interested.
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[i:821c90a18f]I obviously did this wrong the first time - I'm not used to BBS, so please forgive me if you have already read this on the other subject board. Anyhow, here's my post, what do you think to my question??[/i:821c90a18f]
I am very much looking forward to meeting up for the Summit in September.
Is it allowed to bring my wife?? Are there trips, shopping etc for the ladies?
The trip is a 60th birthday treat (for me!) as it fulfills a long-held ambition. Here in Devon I fish saltwater for bass, but seatrout in the salt will be a real treat. I am tying Woolly Buggers by the ton (or is that by the tonne?).
The trout round here are all out of sorts with the heat at the moment - lake water temp 23 C!
We will expect to come by car via ferry to Esbjerg.
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[quote:b4c6aac037="Les"]I am very much looking forward to meeting up for the Summit in September.
Is it allowed to bring my wife?? Are there trips, shopping etc for the ladies?
The trip is a 60th birthday treat (for me!) as it fulfills a long-held ambition. Here in Devon I fish saltwater for bass, but seatrout in the salt will be a real treat. I am tying Woolly Buggers by the ton (or is that by the tonne?). [/quote:b4c6aac037]
A lot of us are looking forward to this trip!
And sure you can bring your wife! The shooping options are probably not going to be fantastic just nearby (wherever we will stay), but many of the cities on Fyn have nice centers and Odense - the main city - is well worth a visit or two, and probably no more than about 30 minutes away almost no matter where we wind up.
We're trying to set up the trip in a large house so that we can all sleet indoors. Lots of organisations have large houses with room and facilities for many. We're trying to get our hands on such a house.
Regarding the flies, I will make a list with gear and fly suggestions, but many of your wet flies for lake fishing will do fine - and Woolly Buggers always work!
I will return as soon as possible with further details.
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I am efforting the house as we speak.
I will inform you all of more details as I get them. At present my skovfoged (forest ranger), friend who owns the house and land is on his holidays.
I have spoken with him and all seems hunky dory and will no doubt be available for us "responsible" individuals.
In the worse case we can all crash on a camp site, again...which, I am efforting to arrange as plan "C" as a last resort.
Either way, we are sure of a great time, good fishing, company, drink and food.
We can sort something out with regard to the ladies. My wife loves the passtime of shopping and maybe she could arrange a few trips if the lady count doesn't exceed 5.
Again...Details follow.
Rip Van Tuesday
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Fishing together
I have never considered organiszing anything in the name of GFF, but I have certianly been fishing with many of the GFF visitors and friends during the past years -- both in Denmark and abroad.
Sure, it would be a great idea to go ishing together, and since partner Steve has mentioned the possibility that he might come over to Denmark this spring, that might give us a perfect occasion to arrange something.
I'll see what plans I can make and keep you all posted through the site.
Anybody else who could be interested in a joint ishing trip in Denmark? Preferably on the coast of Sjaelland, but not excluding a Jutland or Funen coast or stream.
That will definitely be worth a try, I am sure the others would appreciate that as well...
I understand you're rather busy person, nevertheless I hope you'll manage to arrange it.
Should you need a hand, just let me know (I can hardly imagine how to help, but anyway... :lol: )
I think it's a genious idea!
I think it's a genious idea!
I know there would be a bunch of people from Sweden that's interested in this.
AND it would give Gff a big bunch of article/photo material.
I guess Seatrout fishing would be preferable, after all it think that many with me are interested in the fishing that Martin writes so much about!
best regards
Count me in
Hi Vanuz,
great idea.
On the ROFF (rec.outdoors.fishing.fly) newsgroup often so called 'Claves' are organised. I joined 2 of them organized by Roger Ohlund. Bet some of you know him (it's a small ff world). They were held in the very Northern part of Sweden. It took me 4000 km to drive there from Holland! But what a big fun to spent a week with people from Finland, Sweden, France, USA, Australia, sharing the same interest. Only to look at all those different flies in the flyboxes.
Of course the 'meeting' should not necessarily be for a whole week. A weekend would be fine too. I'll leave that up to Martin.
Anyway: if I could, I would certainly join the club.
If any help is needed (I too would not know how, but anyway) let me know.
What I do not ubderstand: over 300 people looked at this post, but not 5 reacted.....??!! :roll:
Well you can count me in! It
Well you can count me in! It would be indeed a great happening and excellent platform to share experiences (for those you can share, of course :) .
I would like to come too and
I would like to come too and join the "happening"!
7 and counting... :wink:
See you soon, Michael
...happy to get it moving..
:D Finally it has been kicked off... GFF Partners, have you got anything to say? :D
GFF Summit: Call for votes
[quote:da9ef67128="vanuz"]:D Finally it has been kicked off... GFF Partners, have you got anything to say? :D[/quote:da9ef67128]
Vanus, Guys,
Sure we have!
I will see what I can do regarding a GFF Clave here in Denmark. As far as I remember a clave has to have people from several countries and preferably some from far away (thousands of miles/kilometres), but we will be willing to let anybody in... even locals. Let's dub it the GFF Summit 2006.
Let us start with a small informal vote (I actually think this board has a voting system, but it's not activated)
Let's hear it for three alternatives. All go to the Danish coast somewhere - either Fun or Sjaelland I think. We can decide that later:
1) May - daytime fishing, garfish, sea trout. Probably the best fishing, but also shortest preparation time
2) June - morning and evening plus night. Some daytime fishing. Primarily sea trout. Time to prepare.
3) August/September - fishing possible 24h (almost), sea trout, mullet. More difficult fishing. Even more time to prepare.
I imagine a weekend-long gathering based in a place where we can camp and/or maybe rent a cabin. A fairly low-budget self-catering type of arrangement.
What say yer?
Re: GFF Summit: Call for votes
[quote:e76c3141a2="Martin Joergensen"]
What say yer?[/quote:e76c3141a2]
Option 3.
On the other hand I'm arranging a competition on the 20. of May. It is a schoolprojekt and you can read more about it her: http://www.oddesund-open.dk.
You can catch seatrout and garfish and win prices for about 7.000 DKr. And I'm quite sure, Martin has never fished in this area of Danmark before. :wink: There's a youth hostel and camping not far away.
Not that far away you can fish pike on the fly, if you are interested in that.
See more about the area on this [url=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=copenhagen&daddr=berlin&t=k… map[/url]
Anybody interested? Depending on how many people are coming, 3 or 4 could live at our place. At the school I could ask for the facilties to watch "fishingmovies" or listen to Martins stories.
Otherwise: option 3.
See you soon, Michael
PS: Regarding the "different countries criteria": I'm one of this "førstegenerationsindvandrer" / immigrants, pølsetysker/"sausagegerman". :wink:
Yeah baby!
O yes, this is right up my alley, count me in for this winning ticket.
Immigrants? I must be rated somewhere under this title somewhere in mid-section!
GFF conclave sounds an excellent idea and I am to interested in Martins special "dits" and "epic stories".
So as for time of year? Any suits me.
Fyn is a good option. Centrally located.
So, here's my ticket. Count me in Martin.
Phew...was it hot today or was it just me? Can't figure out which!
Ripley "of the yard".
This sounds like a fun idea. Would love the opportunity to fish in Denmark again and meet up with a few like minded fisher folk.
June or August would suit me best, May- Bonefish, July- Salmon, September- Getting Married. Hmnnn! Cant wait!
Low budget option sounds great. Future Missus busy getting rid of my spare cash!
For me June or September are
For me June or September are good
Low budget / camping perfect
Pike fishing can be fun
I'll be coming from Belgium so 2000 km back & forth and might bring a friend along from Paris and I'll bring some belgian beer! :D
I say option two beacuse im
I say option two beacuse im going doing my 10months long military service starting 31of july. I also think we should take the good thing with july in mind, sitting on a beach, resting, lying about fishes we never caught and drinking beer during the hot summerdays. (ofcourse it will rain)
> June - September sounds
> June - September sounds good to me.
> camping - no objection :lol:
GFF Summit 2006
Hi Guys,
option 3 would be best for me.
It does not matter where.
I will bring some Dutch Beer!!
From the feedback I read here I think that June is our best bet. Sufficiently far into the future to enable planning, a fair chance of stable weather, fairly good fishing options and anough people having been positive to ensure me that something could be worked out.
I will propose a set of dates - a weekend mid to late June - and try to line up something practical regarding camp, cabin and other things.
I will return with more details.
Meeting in Denmark
It sounds good. If I have a time I will come too. But it is difficult to say nowdays.
PS: To be honest, czech beer is the best :D
Sweden has a military?
Sweden has a military?
Bob Abrams
Swedish Military
I think you'll find it's more of a flower arranging club with visits to the forest now and then to select wild mushrooms.
Swedish military
Where do I sign up.
Sweden has a military?
[quote:ddb94e8166="Esox"]Sweden has a military?
Bob Abrams[/quote:ddb94e8166]
yepp! They are small and totaly meningless but the swedish army do exist. And apparently im going to, against my will, be a part of it.
anyways, im on if the meeting goes of in june
Fishing trip, any news?
Hi guys!
Besides talking about army stuff :wink: , is there anything going for our CLAVE in Funnen? Is there something I can do to help?
Looking forward to hearing from anyone!!!
Tight lines
I am glad my intentions will soon come true.
Looking forward to meeting you there! :lol:
GFF Conclave
Hi Martin,
Count me in and add my name to the list for the GFF get-together.
If anyone needs help with anything they can contact me.
Count Me In GFF Meet Up
Hi Martin,
Count me in... Be great to meet up with all of you again.
It\'s happening!
Just in case anybody has an email alert set up for this thread:
The GFF Summit is happening!
Check out [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/about/summit2006/]the announcement and sign in in this GFF article[/url].
Count me in !!!
Count me in !!!
Transportation to the GFF get-together
Okay, I will be driving from Helsingør (Elsinore) to the GFF get-together in my car. I will be happy to pick anybody up on the way to Fyn. A possible pick-up spot could be TÃÂ¥strup and Ringsted train stations. 3 persons is maximum.
Let me know if anybody is interested.
[i:821c90a18f]I obviously did this wrong the first time - I'm not used to BBS, so please forgive me if you have already read this on the other subject board. Anyhow, here's my post, what do you think to my question??[/i:821c90a18f]
I am very much looking forward to meeting up for the Summit in September.
Is it allowed to bring my wife?? Are there trips, shopping etc for the ladies?
The trip is a 60th birthday treat (for me!) as it fulfills a long-held ambition. Here in Devon I fish saltwater for bass, but seatrout in the salt will be a real treat. I am tying Woolly Buggers by the ton (or is that by the tonne?).
The trout round here are all out of sorts with the heat at the moment - lake water temp 23 C!
We will expect to come by car via ferry to Esbjerg.
I am very much looking
[quote:b4c6aac037="Les"]I am very much looking forward to meeting up for the Summit in September.
Is it allowed to bring my wife?? Are there trips, shopping etc for the ladies?
The trip is a 60th birthday treat (for me!) as it fulfills a long-held ambition. Here in Devon I fish saltwater for bass, but seatrout in the salt will be a real treat. I am tying Woolly Buggers by the ton (or is that by the tonne?). [/quote:b4c6aac037]
A lot of us are looking forward to this trip!
And sure you can bring your wife! The shooping options are probably not going to be fantastic just nearby (wherever we will stay), but many of the cities on Fyn have nice centers and Odense - the main city - is well worth a visit or two, and probably no more than about 30 minutes away almost no matter where we wind up.
We're trying to set up the trip in a large house so that we can all sleet indoors. Lots of organisations have large houses with room and facilities for many. We're trying to get our hands on such a house.
Regarding the flies, I will make a list with gear and fly suggestions, but many of your wet flies for lake fishing will do fine - and Woolly Buggers always work!
I will return as soon as possible with further details.
I am efforting the house as we speak.
I will inform you all of more details as I get them. At present my skovfoged (forest ranger), friend who owns the house and land is on his holidays.
I have spoken with him and all seems hunky dory and will no doubt be available for us "responsible" individuals.
In the worse case we can all crash on a camp site, again...which, I am efforting to arrange as plan "C" as a last resort.
Either way, we are sure of a great time, good fishing, company, drink and food.
We can sort something out with regard to the ladies. My wife loves the passtime of shopping and maybe she could arrange a few trips if the lady count doesn't exceed 5.
Again...Details follow.
Rip Van Tuesday