Published Oct 16. 2004 - 20 years ago
Updated or edited Dec 5. 2017

BC in B/W

GFF partner Martin Joergensen recently returned from a trip to British Columbia. Although he has promised to write up some text about the trip, his pictures are just too pretty to stash away for much longer.

Tail - The sturgeon is a a beautiful fish in spite of its ancient strangeness.
Martin Joergensen
Ole and the coho - Ole into a coho on the Harrison
Martin Joergensen
Spey rod on the Vedder - Ole casting for a King Salmon on the Vedder near Chilliwack
Nice view
Martin Joergensen
Terrace view - The promising view from Terrace's small airport.
Martin Joergensen
Foggy ride - We did a lot of car driving and had a lot of fog. This picture combines both.
Martin Joergensen
Carscape - Driving in Canada is like driving in the US: you notice how the roads and cities are built for cars. Great when you're driving, but poor pedestrians!
Martin Joergensen
Fixing - Ole fixing his line late at night before the first fishing day in the Terrace area.
Martin Joergensen
Skeena bridge - We took a walk from the Desiderata Lodge into Terrace and back crossing the old railway bridge and the newer road bridge - seen here - over the Skeena.
Martin Joergensen
Skeena tributary - A view up one of the many tributaries to the Skeena.
Martin Joergensen
Ole and Don - Ole (close) and Don (further down) fishing in the low sun over a Skeena tributary.
BC fishing
Martin Joergensen
Don and coho - Fellow angler Don McLaughlin from Florida with a coho.
Martin Joergensen
Papa bear was here - The fresh foot prints from a smaller bear in the sand right next to the water where we were fishing.
Martin Joergensen
Bank summit - Ole and Don talking tactics on the river bank.
Martin Joergensen
Wouldn't you... - to be here right now? I would!
In the sun
Martin Joergensen
Misty - Rick's boat moored close to the bank one of the many places where we fished for steelhead on the Skeena.
Martin Joergensen
Jet boat - The sturdy aluminum jet boats were just banked while we fished.
Moored boat
Martin Joergensen
Hell's Gate - A great run on the Skeena.
River view
Martin Joergensen
Leech - The infallible egg sucking leech was the weapon of choice for steelhead.
Reel and leech
Martin Joergensen
Close quarters - There is a good reason to use a spey rod and a spey or underhand cast when fishing with the forrest right in your back as here.
Martin Joergensen
Snagged - Snags are the order of the day when you fish fast sinking leaders and heavy flies on a rocky river like the Skeena.
Two hand rod
Martin Joergensen
Burning off - The morning fog burining off to let the sun come through.
Fog clearing
Martin Joergensen
Deeper part - A deeper part of the Skeena just upstream a long riffle.
Calm river
Martin Joergensen
Glacier - From the airplane we saw many a glacier in  the breathtaking Canadian landscape.
Martin Joergensen
Chromer - The steelhead of the Skeena are indeed beautiful fish! This is even a small one!
Martin Joergensen
Vancouver oval skyline - Vancouver is a fairly laid back and very nice city, not really marred by highrisers. These oval ones downtown did catch my eyes.
Martin Joergensen
Baitcasting reels - The sturgeon boats are equipped with some really nice baitcasting gear.
Sturgeon gear
Martin Joergensen
Timid monster - The sturgeon have a timid, gentle appearance and is a fascinting group of fish. This small specimen is obviously just waiting to be returned to the water - which it will be right after this shot.
Martin Joergensen
Harrison - The Harrison River is a beatiful, clear tributary to the Fraser. We fished it for pacific salmon together with fly fishing guide Jens Erik Skaaning - of Danish heritage, actually.
Martin Joergensen
Low clouds... - ...or high fog. This is actually the fog lifting as the sun burns it off to reveal another beautiful, sunny British Columbia day.
Low clouds
Martin Joergensen
Twoeyes - Jens Erik Skaaning's pattern for Pacific Salmon. This fly did well for us, as did a small beaded sculpin pattern. Erik calls the pattern "Egg and Eye"
Eric's One Eye
Martin Joergensen
Angler in the mist - Ole probing the water close to the bank with his spey rod and leech fly on a misty morning on the Skeena.
In the mist
Martin Joergensen
Beached - Fly fishing guide Jens Erik Skaaning's boat beached on the banks of the Harrison while we fish.
Gravel bar
Martin Joergensen
Vedder at sundown - We tried the Vedder for Kings close to Chilliwack. I hooked one, but lost it after it had taken a powerful run downstream. Apart from that we had no luck. But the river sure was beautiful and easily accessible.
Fishing the Skeena
Martin Joergensen
Unknown BC river - When flying over British Columbia you see so many rivers that you know that no one would be able to fish them in a lifetime.
Eric's Arial view
Martin Joergensen
Boat launch - Fellow angler Ken from Vancouver and our guide Gill McKean from the Westcoast Fishing Adventures launching the boat into the Mighty Skeena.
Guide's boat
Martin Joergensen
Release - A small sturgeaon returns to the depths of the Fraser River near Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.
Releasing a small sturgeon
Martin Joergensen
Floating - The owner of the Nicolas Dean Lodge - Dustin - floated a couple of clients down the Skeena.
Martin Joergensen
Coho hunter - Ole hunting for milling coho in a quiet backwater on the Harrison.
Martin Joergensen
Rods! - Fred's Custom Tackle in Chilliwack close to the Vedder has a large selection of tackle - catering both to spin fishers and fly fishers.
Martin Joergensen
Idyll - Hard to imagine more beautiful settings for a fishing trip, isn't it?
Great settings
Martin Joergensen
The Global BaitFisher - One of my 100 lbs (50 kilo) sturgeon prior to its release. It is our guide Fred Helmer of Fred\'s Fishing Adventures to the left, myself to the right and the sturgeon all over the place.
And no, it was NOT caught on a fly!
A nice sturgeon
Ole Wisler
Baiting - waiting - One reason (of many) why I flyfish rather than bait fish: the waiting time. Watching a rod tip for hours is not my kind of thrill. But sure: hooking and fighting the fish is equally fun.
Waiting for the take
Martin Joergensen

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