Published Nov 19. 2007 - 17 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 5. 2024

GFF Summit 2007

The GFF Summit 2007 was a great venue, and lots of people had lots of fun and caught lots of fish - and took lots of pictures! GFF partner Martin Joergensen has collected the best from all the participants into a huge photo collage.

The following pictures were all taken during the GFF Summit 2007 held the 21st-23rd of September 2007 on Fyn in Denmark. The pictures were contributed by the participants, selected from more than 1,300 pictures. You can click on each for more details and credits.

The first day's fishing was in muddy water under windy and rainy conditions, but still the best day fishing wise.

Sea trout! - German Kai Nolting had no reason to complain
Perfect autumn fish - Martin has caught a nice fish on an ugly fly
Nice conditions - The sea was dirty and the rain started falling, but there were lots of fish.
Typical fish - English Steve Wade with a typical fish from the Danish coast - more than decent but not huge
The fight - Dutch hans Weilenmann figting a sea trout
The first - Dutch Hans Weilenmann's first real sea trout - and a nice one too
Wade on! - British/Danish Steve Wade with a really nice, bright sea trout
Atli Sigurdsson - Rolandas Mincinauskas - Kasper Mühlbach - Kai Nolting - Fredrik Odelberg
GFF parking - We had our own parking space close to the water - where nobody else could park!
Photographer nearby - One advantage of fishing many people together is that there is always a photographer nearby.
The first day
Martin Joergensen - Kai Nolting
Fishing started Friday for a few of us, but the Summit itself was Saturday and most of the Sunday.
Reverend - Les Austin is a vicar in real life, but a fly angler whenever possible
Reels - The Summit is a good place to look at gear
Nice water - Dutch Richard Maree in action
Netting - Richard netting a sea trout
preparing - Swedish Fredrik Odelberg and Belgian Brian Elward
Murky but productive - Both the weather and the water was murky, but we still caught fish
Nice hat - Dutch Hans Weilenmann ready for the sun
Small net, eh? - German Kai Nolting lands large fish in a small net
Martin Joergensen - Kasper Mühlbach - Kai Nolting - Rolandas Mincinauskas - Kristian Orsted Pedersen - Anette Hall
Vanuz - This time with a slightly colored autumn sea trout
Ripley searching - Ripley fishes the coast
Rod bent - A very close up of German Kai Nolting fighting a fish
The neat line tray - English Steve Wade hauling line from the Flexistripper line tray
Richard's prize - Not big, but it's a sea trout
Kasper Mühlbach - Kai Nolting - Hans Jacob Schou
Autumn fish - GFF partner Martin Joergensen with a colored sea trout
Hey ho, hey ho... - Anglers on the road: Latvian Ingemars Asmanis and Kristaps Knesis, Dutch Hans Weilenmann (background), British/Danish Ripley davenport and Danish Jesper Kamstrup.
Brothers in arms - Or at least same jackets... GFF partner Danish Kasper Mühlbach and Lithuanian Rolandas Mincinauskas
Autumn smile - German Kai Nolting with a borad smile and a nice fish
Choppy water - American/German Paul Kalbrenner in the surf
A good reason to be happy - German/American Paul Kalbrenner carefully cradles a Danish sea trout
Mud! - It was pretty dirty on our first fishing day
First sea trout - Lithuanian Rolandas Mincinauskas with his first sea trout
More great fishing
Kai Nolting - Fredrik Odelberg - Martin Joergensen - Rolandas Mincinauskas - Frank Mueller
The Firday was windy and rainy, but the rest of the Summit was held in perfect Indian summer September conditions.
As nice as they come - Vanuz with a well deserved, bright sea trout
Anglers on a beach - Everybody chatting and relaxing
Casting - Rolandas Mincinauskas laying out line
Beautiful coastline - And nice weather
Arm's depot - Ready to rock and roll!
Anette's kitchen - Danish Anette Hall preparing lunch on Friday
Alone - Even with 30 anglers around you can find solitued. This is German Kai Nolting on the horizon
As nice as they come - A beautiful Danish sea trout
Nice weather
Martin Joergensen - Kristian Orsted Pedersen - Kai Nolting - Atli Sigurdsson - Kasper Mühlbach
There was plenty time for relaxing and chatting with fellow anglers. The group photo is here in full rez too.
Inspiration - There's a lot of looking and learning going on during such a meeting
Group - A few of the participants meeting on the beach
Mmmmmmm... - Danish jari Wiklund thinking deep thoughts... maybe
Nice glasses! Nice cap! - Steve Wade (background) and Ripley Davenport - both expelled brits with Danish affinities
Inspector Davenport - British/Danish Ripley Davenport checking the parking situation.
Leaning into lunch - The lunchpacks were more than welcome! Ducth Brian Elward, American/German Paul Kalbrenner, Swedish Fredrik Odelberg and also Swedish Jan Lennartsson
One down - A summiter has given up
Group shot - All participants at the GFF Summit 2007
Stefan Scherf - Martin Joergensen - Kristian Orsted Pedersen - Henning Eskol - Frank Mueller
Comfortable - Danish Hans Jacob Schou resting
Chatting - Atli Sigurdsson, Paul Kalbrenner, Steve Wade and Ripley Davenport making plans on the beach
Meeting before fishing - Gathering in the yard of the hostel to make plans
Chaos - Lunch was a time of slight disorganization
Fishing photographer - GFF partner Danish Kasper Mühlbach with all the necessary gear
One fell over - Lithuanian Mindaugas Banelis taking a well deserved nap
Anette Hall - Stefan Scherf - Kasper Mühlbach - Martin Joergensen
Evening gathering - Saturday night we had a room with a projector, coffee and quite a few beers.
Full concentration! - Lithuanian Mindaugas Banelis concentrates on the rod - not the lower lip...
Rods resting - During the lunch the rods were piled up high
Smoker's lounge - There is no smoking indoors, but luckily the weather was nice, so smoking could take place outside. Lithuanian Rolandas Mincinauskas, Danish hans Jacob Schou, Icelandic Atli Sigurdsson and Slovakian branislav Ondrejka.
Relaxing - German Jelle Holm and Danish Jari Wiklund during a break
Peter Schmitz - German Peter Schmitz seems perfectly happy
Strange catch - Latvian Kristaps Knesis with a rare catch on a fly.
A relaxing time
Rolandas Mincinauskas - Stefan Scherf - Martin Joergensen
There was also plenty time and space for fishing.
Green Terror - English Steve Wade shows that Kai's Green Terror can catch almost everything
get back there - Martin Joergensen releasing a fish
Casting - Danish Anders Lifland making nice arcs
Lots of coast - There is anough space for even 30 anglers
Mr. Broken Rod - Martin with his favorite MPA rod in more pieces than it should be.
Kype - An autumn fish with a typical lowe jaw hook - a kype
Honey Shrimp - One of the classical Summit-patterns
Inviting - Who can complain over a coast such as this?
Martin Joergensen - Fredrik Odelberg - Rolandas Mincinauskas - Kristian Orsted Pedersen - Kasper Mühlbach
Space Trout - AKA Jan Lennartsson from Sweden
Spread out - The area was soon scattered with anglers
Vanuz - AKA Branislav Ondrejka
Stefan - Casting in the nice weather
Walking back - Danes Annette Hall and Henning Eskol walking back to the ferry dock
Waist deep - Dutch Brian Elward checking out the scene
What fly, what fly? - Swedish Fredrik Odelberg makes a descision
Waist deep in the Danish ocean
Kasper Mühlbach - Kristian Orsted Pedersen - Kai Nolting - Martin Joergensen
The end was near, and people were slowly packing up and leaving.
Quick landing - Vanuz demonstrates an easy way to land a trout - just pull it into the shallow water
Last sight - English Les and Nan Austing with German Kai Nolting leaving the summit for this year
Ready to release - Danish jari Wiklund is ready to release a Summit sea trout
Opah! - Rolandas with a fish - in the air!
In deep - Local Dane Anders Lifland wading deep
It sails! - This small vessel can actually sail
Lithuanian breakfast - A gift from our Baltic friends was waiting by the car when we returned
Perfect settings - Nice weather, nice water
Winding down
Martin Joergensen - Anette Hall - Atli Sigurdsson - Jan Lennartsson - Hans Jacob Schou - Kai Nolting


Thank you very much ...

Thank you very much for the very nice pictures.

Kudos Martin! You re...

Kudos Martin! You really managed to capture the feeling and cover all areas, as Kai said.
Right now I'we been doing photoshop for 5hours for school and there's a storm outside with the rain bangning on the windows. No shit I'm longing back to "det gemytliga danmark" and the sunny days.

Expect me down as soon as spring's here!

vanuz's picture

found, saved...chee...

found, saved...cheers.

Martin Joergensen's picture

Branislav, The fi...


The file and the link is already there. Search the page above for "full rez" and click the link!


vanuz's picture

Any chance to get th...

Any chance to get the group picture in full size for printing?

Martin Joergensen's picture

Mike, We managed ...


We managed to get some done in South Africa with the help of good fishing friends! And they made their way to Denmark - but not to the web site... yet. I have to set up some way of payment before these babies can be sold online.


It looks like some g...

It looks like some got a new Global Fly Fisher hat on........ I thought they were all gone.

Brian Elward's picture

Great memories come ...

Great memories come back to mind. Hope to be fishing on the shores of Fyn again very soon. Sign me up for next year! :)

Hello Martin, Per...

Hello Martin,

Perfect gallery of pictures, showing all the important things of the summit: fishing, catching, chatting and relaxing + nice comments of the photos!

Great job (as usual)


Hi Martin, Great ...

Hi Martin,

Great photos. Thanks for doing it, it must be quite a job to look through 1300 pics.
I certainly enjoy looking back at a fantastic weekend.

Tight lines
Anette Hall

Hey Martin, I become...

Hey Martin, I become twinkle in the eye when I see these nice gallery. Hope to be a part of GFF 2008! Regards, Frank

Oh, Martin, what a g...

Oh, Martin, what a great set of pictures.


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