Italian master fly tyer Stefano Farkas has tied a Carrie Stevens streamer in the style of his full dressed salmon flies.
My Italian fly tying friend Stefano Farkas was on the mail again. As always with pictures of beautiful flies attached, but this time with the subject "Homage to Carrie Stevens".
Stefano wrote:
I think she was really innovative.
Obviously the "Gray Ghost" is considered her masterpiece, and this is why I wish to propose my own interpretation played in a "Classic Salmon Fly key".
It's the usual hook, a 10/0 made by by Ronn Lucas. The materials are as required in the original pattern, but the wings are gray heron feathers.
I hope you like it.
But I also have a "bonus track" for you and our friends on the web: some real Gray Ghosts on original Partridge "Carrie Stevens" hooks #2 and #4, shown in a very old Wheatley box.
I tied these years ago. Some of the flies are not in great shape because they have been fished.
These are flies designed to fish in places like the Rangeley lakes obviously, but they are really great marble trout catchers in the Slovenian rivers, where I fish is a little Gray Ghost below one of the big ones in the photo.
I have had a lot of marbles on this combination...
Hand picked for this article
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