Published Sep 6. 2005 - 19 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 19. 2019


This is the end that counts to to most anglers: where the mouth is and where the fly is supposed to go. All these fish opened theirs over a hook, and they paid for it with a portrait. Pictures of fish from the very small sand eel to the very large steelhead.

We focus and concentrate on the head when we snap pictures of the fish we catch. This gallery presents a few of the many pictures of fish heads in our portfolios.

Beaverkill trout

Under the bridge

Test brown




Brassy bream


Ready for release

Pastry fish


Red eye

Eyes and beak

All eyes

Sand eel

Tarpon trap



Different angle

Greedy perch

Winter sea trout

Up for a photo

The sight of spring


I love the tarpon tr...

I love the tarpon trap by Martin! Its the coolest fish i ever seen!


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Long story longer

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