We're in the middle of the dampest, grayest, wettest, warmest winter I can remember for a long time, and I'm dreaming of spring.
This is written mid-January 2015, and we've just come out of a couple of weeks with two storms, extreme tides - even flooding - wrapped up in temperatures that have neither been warm nor really cold. Altogether pretty miserable bordering on depressing. And the weather forecast promises more of the same. No wonder I'm longing for spring!
No wonder I'm longing for spring!
Now, don't misunderstand me. I have always been a winter and cold weather fisherman, and haven't minded fishing when the weather was rough - or at least not optimal. But things have changed around here, and not only do I fish much less than I have ever done, but I have also become a fair weather fisherman who shun cold water and tough conditions.
Other people have gone fishing, and when the wind in particular permits access to the water, fishing is actually really good. The mild winter and the relatively warm water means that the sea trout, which are the main quarry for the coastal anglers here in Denmark, have been thriving and have been able to stay close to the shore and still find food and good conditions.
It doesn't make the days warmer, sunnier or less windy, but catching sure does make it more fun.
Personally I don't long to go fishing on these gray and dull days. When I go fishing I want everything to be optimal: water, weather, company, access. Like going on a good spring trip to a favorite spot with good friends.
So I long for spring.
When that feeling comes, I tend to dig into the archives and read my old fishing reports and look at pictures. And some years I have been inspired to make that into an article for this site, probably instigating a certain feeling of cabin fever and spring dreams in other anglers in the same kind of fishing limbo as myself.
I'm of course sorry about that, but also happy that these images can maybe bring a little impression of sunshine into the dull days of the many northern sphere anglers who - like me - look forward to the first spring days.
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