A few tips of efficiently covering the water when fishing for Baltic sea trout
Use the right tactics
Look at this picture. It shows an imaginary piece of coast and how to fish it. The different 'landmarks' are indicated. From the left it's:
- Patches of sea weed or stone.
- Stones in the shallow water near the beach.
- A small reef
- A sandy area with a deeper (darker) part out in front
- A sandy area with a band of sea weed with some holes through it.
The lines indicate how I would fish this place. Note how I use certain characteristics as bases (to fish from) and others as targets (to fish over).
In the case of the reef, it's first target and then base.
The individual spots are fished as follows:
- I wade into the water and stand on the sand in order to reach the patches of darkness which could be sea weed or stones.
- I stand on the beach or in shallow water to fish along the sides of the stones and over the dark spots
- Mostly ignoring the sandy stretch I fish the front side of the small reef (compared to the current). After that I fish the back side.
- If I want to reach the deeper water beyond the reef I have to use the reef itself as a base. I only do this after fishing the reef thoroughly from the shore.
- The long sandy stretch with a sea weed band is fished walking quitely along, usually following the current. Cast bwyond the weed if possible. Fish will often stand on the outside of weed beds.Where things change (hole or stone) I use a bit more time and a few more casts. I always place an occasional cast parallel to the beach before wading into the area (dotted lines)
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